About 1,724,301 results (2,572 milliseconds)

US20140209479A1 - Self-contained, pv-powered domestic toilet ...

In general, the term “wastewater” can also include any other manmade waste material that would be found in a municipal wastewater treatment system. [0269].

Agroecology: Science, Farming System, or ... - University of Missouri

In other words, the current industrial system of agricultural production is simply not sustainable. ... Communities would not be “self-sufficient” in food ...

US7824588B2 - Method of making self-supporting therapeutic active ...

In other words, the uniformity of the present invention is determined by the presence of no more than a 10% by weight of pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic variance ...

WO1997048355A1 - Self-contained transportable life support ...

Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms. Learn More. with ALL of the words.

EP2577941B1 - Energy self-sufficient datacenter for processing and ...

... self-sufficient or energy neutral. [0018]. In an embodiment, wherein at ... The term another, as used herein, is defined as at least a second or more ...

CA2289746C - Flexible storage bag with selectively-activatible ...

... another preferred embodiment, the flexible storage bag is self-supporting with the opening extending upwardly away from a horizontal supporting surface. The ...

Machine Learning Glossary | Google for Developers

See LLMs: What's a large language model? in Machine Learning Crash Course for more information about self-attention. attribute. #fairness. Synonym for feature.

US7199174B2 - Wide-gap filler material - Google Patents

In other words, the mixture was not self-supporting. Still another limitation of prior art wide-gap filler materials has been encountered in the repair of ...

US8376362B2 - Self-contained dice shaker system - Google Patents

In other words, any sequence or order of steps that may be described in this patent application does not, in and of itself, indicate a requirement that the ...

I can't get Google Assistant to ring my phone. The Google ...

Mar 21, 2019 ... So if I dont have another device I'm basically screwed you're saying? ... Phone is in range, on the same WiFi network, sufficient data connection.

US20070093586A1 - Wide-gap filler material - Google Patents

In other words, the mixture was not self-supporting. [0008]. Still another limitation of prior art wide-gap filler materials has been encountered in the ...

US20110018194A1 - Self-contained dice shaker system - Google ...

In other words, any sequence or order of steps that may be described in this patent application does not, in and of itself, indicate a requirement that the ...

The “Zeugmatic Effect” - Graceguts

kakekotoba, also described as a pivot word or phrase, and a kind of ... different and self-sufficient image. This is the haiku Bob was discussing ...

Write helpful alt text | Technical Writing | Google for Developers

Nov 22, 2024 ... Alt text that identifies the bird species is sufficient. alt="A ... Otherwise, use person or another term that provides key context ...

US10119527B2 - Self contained ion powered aircraft - Google Patents

Feb 11, 2016 ... Keywords and boolean syntax (USPTO or EPO format): seat belt searches these two words, or their plurals and close synonyms. "seat belt" searches ...

US20170008775A1 - Maintenance self-diagnosis and guide for a ...

Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms. ... self-contained, self-diagnosing ...

US20110018777A1 - Self-contained counterpoise compound loop ...

Jan 27, 2011 ... Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms. Learn More. with ...

WO1994016446A1 - Self-catalyzed nuclear fusion of lithium-6 and ...

Another object of the invention is to achieve self-sustaining chain reaction-type nuclear fusion which is energy efficient. Still another object is to create an ...

US9126006B2 - Subdural drainage catheter with self contained ...

Thus, the exemplary term “under” can encompass both an orientation of “over” and “under.” The device may be otherwise oriented (rotated 90 degrees or at other ...

EP2505807A2 - Self-sustaining electric-power generator utilizing ...

In other words, with a sufficiently large energy-magnification factor achieved by the energy-magnifying coil 24, the electrical energy available in the work ...