About 1,299,598 results (3,603 milliseconds)

iTranslate Translator - Apps on Google Play

iTranslate Translator is a language translator app for text, voice, conversations, camera and photos. You can easily translate into over 100 languages by ...

US10693188B2 - Thermally responsive electrolytes - Google Patents

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. ... Both the L-PEO/IL (50/50) and PEO/IL (50/50) electrolytes show a drastic increase in RDL when ...

WO2008008413A2 - Ultra fine nepheline syenite powder and ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent ... Such powder causes a drastic increase in cast smoothness so there is no need ...

WO2014025793A1 - Fabrication of nanofibers as dry adhesives and ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent ... The drastic increase is mainly attributed to a sizeable proliferation in van ...

WO2019014559A1 - Method of increasing epithelial permeability ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent words ... 20 nm particles increased drastically in size within 30 minutes of ...

US20070161052A1 - TRPM5 based assays and the use thereof for ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent words ... drastic increase in the fluorescence of the membrane potential dye. The ...

US8423103B2 - Energy efficient data center - Google Patents

Jan 17, 2013 ... Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent ... The physics behind this effect is the drastic increase at low ...

US7816140B2 - Composition and methods for osteogenic gene ...

Similarly, the term “enriched” is a relative term, referring to a proportional increase in a constituent of a sample. ... drastic increase in FGF-2 secretion in ...

US20100201321A1 - Battery internal short-circuit detecting device ...

... drastic temperature increase caused by a short circuit current. [0005]. The following mechanisms explain the fact mentioned above. For example, when an ...

The 87 Mass Shootings in Canada I found after their 1991 Bill C-17 ...

Dec 10, 2018 ... An even more drastic increase than the United Kingdom's increase in ... Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:.

US7367807B1 - Method for improving word processing skills using ...

May 6, 2008 ... 6(C) shows yet another set of words placed at yet another location on the screen. ... This second individual gained drastic improvements in ...

US7816140B2 - Composition and methods for osteogenic gene ...

Similarly, the term “enriched” is a relative term, referring to a proportional increase in a constituent of a sample. ... drastic increase in FGF-2 secretion in ...

US8083174B2 - Long mission tethered aerostat and method of ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent words that ... sudden increase in wind drag. Consequently, the blower needs to be ...

US8423103B2 - Energy efficient data center - Google Patents

Jan 17, 2013 ... Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent ... The physics behind this effect is the drastic increase at low ...

Creation - Pope Francis Homilies

The answer, gave rise to another question: if God “needed nothing more, why ... The increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather ...

US6056203A - Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent words ... drastically as temperature increases from about -10° C., and it cannot ...

US20160160073A1 - Methods and Compositions for Material ...

Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. ... Most notable is the drastic increase in toughness for the 50% by weight SEBS blend.

WO2018049000A1 - Treatment of cancers having alterations within ...

In another embodiment, the term "treat' or treatment" refers to slowing or ... Depletion of ARID vis shRNA results in a drastic increase in tumore volume.

US20140011713A1 - Environment friendly base fluid to replace the ...

... drastic increase in the total operating cost. For these reasons, a need ... As another advantage of the present invention, the based fluids have higher ...