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Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards 5e

High Elf - Bladesinger: This is your best choice for Bladesinger, you get +2 Dex, +1 Int, Perception skill, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Trance, bonus cantrip (Int ...

Playing a Paladin from the very beginning has finally paid off ...

Note: Although it says that your abilities are increased, nothing appears to happen. Go to the Radiant Heart and talk to Prelate Wesselan in the top left side ...

Why are Bhaalsons so "powerful"?

full-length BG3. And *that* is why I both love and hate ToB at the same time ... any great leaps forward in terms of abilities, while our Mage knows that

What is your favourite weapon in the game? ( You can say DLC ...

Oct 9, 2021 ... ... best regular bow for a strength build and the Twin-Headed Greatbow ... BG3. See more. Top Posts ...

Stealing from Bernard in Copper Coronet

Am I missing something vital?!?! > > > > Joe > > Maybe your pick-pocket skill is too high? ... Pickpocketing is one of the great pluses to having a Bard. =)

Druids vs. Clerics

point of weapons skill. Not sure about a plain Druid ... >are people forgetting the fighter druid multiclass? >mine is the best character i have ever seen!

BG1: Strongest Possible Party

Here's hoping he makes it into BG3 (how about ... Viconia are the best NPC's of their type, so they get in by default. Coran is the best archer, and Kivan gets ...

Chests that cannot be opened, and other Thief issues...

Jul 20, 2001 ... the starting points into open locks - trying to pick the lock. This leads to the following questions: (1) At what level of skill, strength, ...

Starfield: Top 10 Takeaways From The Gameplay Trailer Xbox ...

Jun 19, 2022 ... Players can also rank up these skills by completing challenges. This combination of elements from both games suggests that Starfield's skill ...

ToB-Too Difficult for many players? Possible Spoilers

So, you have to repeat the above. Meanwhile, using melee abilities when the enemies defenses are down, and sucking down potions when they arent. BTW, a great ...

ToB-Too Difficult for many players? Possible Spoilers

So, you have to repeat the above. Meanwhile, using melee abilities when the enemies defenses are down, and sucking down potions when they arent. BTW, a great ...

BG2: And the best solo class is...

What were your fave weapon/armor/equipment towards the mid/end game? Also Bob, did you miss the other thief skills greatly at any point in the game? I mean ...

Opions on stealing/pickpocket? Possible small spoilers.

then my previous two good parties!) It was a bit of a pain in the ass, really, without the potions. Jan, with his pick pockets at 110 still was not ...

What's Next After BG2? Add-on Or Sequel? Pass To Neverwinter ...

Expect a expansion first, then NWN then BG3. Everything points to a trilogy. Harle. Susan wrote: > I just finished BG2--absolutely great game.

[OC] A better outlet : r/comics

Jan 10, 2021 ... ... best things I'm doing now is playing role playing games with my kids ... skills). Just need a PC and a headset. Upvote 7. Downvote Award

[Template] 5E D&D Character Sheet (Tintagel) v2.92 - Google Drive

Some skills include a multiplier, such as x2 or .5 - these correspond to the ... On a failed save, target pursues the described act to the best of its ability for ...

Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Update Rebuilds Its Gameplay To Make A ...

to upgrade all my skills and equipment until they are the best available ... not wait to finish BG3. - Justisaur. Justisaur's profile photo. Justisaur.

Minsc says WHAT??

... best ones, when i process in the game. I like the "Kicking ass for goodness", because i am an oldfashioned roleplaygamer. Christoph. Kim Goldbæk's profile ...

Charge Out Rate Calculation - Sole TraderTechnical/Engineering ...

pretty well only technical knowledge and skills, to sell. At least it ... the best the person would do in a year is charge for 5/8 of 2000 hours, or ...

Quest order list - Google Drive

The giant dwarf, 20.53, 2, 5.85. Unlocks BF tele and around 2k xp in 6 skills ... Good spot for cannoning imps while bankstanding skills: https://youtu.be ...