About 1,839,526 results (5,862 milliseconds)

US7326227B2 - Tourniquet padding - Google Patents

... blood pressure tourniquet is inflated/deflated to monitor blood pressure. To ... upper part of the arm or the upper part of the thigh. Although the ...

Club foot / CTEV - Dr. Skand Kumar's Ortho Clinic

Four to seven casts (each extending from the toes to the upper thigh, with ... Bright red spots or blisters, especially on the back of the heel ...

CN202078490U - Lower limb brake massage device - Google Patents

... upper ends of the aeration bags are connected with exhaust pipes, and ... blood, and easily forms phlebothrombosis, local skin pressurized.Usually ...

WO2015058131A1 - High powered light emitting diode ...

... thighs and upper arms. Semin. Cutan Med Surg 2013 32:35-40, 2013; Leal E ... pain, hematoma, skin ulcers, psoriasis, and pressure sores. Transdermal ...

EP1087738B1 - Self-adhering friction reducing liner and method of ...

... blood capillaries and interface (skin-subcutaneous) layers. High normal ... upper-inner thighs. US20060085894A1 * 2004-10-26 2006-04-27 Bsn-Jobst, Inc ...

US6158253A - Seamless, form fitting foot sock - Google Patents

... blood flow and while still causing the sock to uniformly conform to the ... This causes the upper leg section 302 to fold over and be connected to itself.

US5314455A - Thermal compress system - Google Patents

A thermal compress cuff for treating an injured knee has a fluid impervious chamber of flexible material with an upper transverse portion and depending arms ...

ESM Health Information - Common Health Concerns

Strep throat is a contagious bacterial infection commonly found in the throat. Symptoms include a red painful sore throat with white patches on their tonsils.

WO2015191007A1 - Actuator device, method and system for limb ...

Another device is the graduated compression stocking that utilizes a pressure gradient from the foot up till the thigh to promote venous blood flow (Covidien, ...

US5888216A - Prosthesis liner for below-knee amputees - Google ...

Skin irritation, blister formation and discomfort to the back of the ... upper portion of the liner may ride too high on the thigh. Preferably, the ...

US10688244B2 - Medicament delivery device and methods for ...

In some embodiments, the method 100 optionally includes pinching a thigh muscle of the patient before actuating the medical injector, at 12. Pinching of the leg ...

US7281549B2 - Low friction fabric - Google Patents

A low friction fabric constructed of a first layer of woven polyester fibers with an upper ... blister formation. In the shoe, the regions, which are most ...

US3549770A - Therapeutic administration of effective amounts of ...

... upper part still had blisters, erythema and edema. Seven days after ... leg ulcers and, in the case of increased capillary permeability pronounced edema.

Fracture treatment and complications - Dr. Skand Kumar's Ortho Clinic

Compartment syndrome can occur in any compartment, e.g. the hand, forearm, upper arm, abdomen, buttock, thigh, and leg. ... Transient red-brown petechial rash ...

GB2500688A - A method and apparatus for testing skin ...

This increased blood flow leads to an ncrease in temperature of the affected area. Increased temperature is a cardinal sign of foot blisters due to the ...

US5213798A - Antiviral agent derived from the hull of the kukui nut ...

Female patient with initial swelling on the upper lips about to break, was ... Within 36 hours, the blisters dried to small blood clot covered regions, itching ...

US20080051742A1 - Underwear-Integrated Urine Specimen ...

... upper, inner legs of the wearer, proximate the genital region. The tubing is ... The micropore filter is intended to facilitate passage of those materials of ...

DE202011106827U1 - Nonwoven plaster for the prevention and ...

... thighs. Diese Wundstellen entstehen durch die Reibung der oberen Hautschichten.These sores are caused by the friction of the upper layers of the skin. Durch ...

US9833573B2 - Devices, systems and methods for medicament ...

The allergic response to the exposure can lead to anaphylactic shock, which can cause a sharp drop in blood ... upper leg claims,description 9 0.000. fluid claims ...

US20110311497A1 - Cell Suspension Preparation Technique and ...

Some of the advantages of mesh grafts include: a greater coverage of the effected area, drainage of blood ... blister under suction at a donor site and transplant ...