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DIABETES - East Coast Family Clinic

Diabetes is a long-term illness characterised by a high sugar (or glucose) level in the blood. The food we eat is converted to sugars which easily transported ...

US20110229583A1 - Human Medicinal Treatment Typically Using ...

Some bacterial pathogens, such as staphylococcus, can cause skin ... can arise from diabetes, high blood pressure, increasing age, and tobacco smoking.

US20220111157A1 - Enhanced system and method for using a ...

The present invention is a non-invasive tool that delivers hyaluronic acid into the skin through the use of pressure as opposed to a hypodermic needle, thereby ...


* Exposure can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, nausea, blurred vision, and may cause you to pass out. * Repeated high exposure can damage the ...

WO2005089460A2 - Convolvulus soldanella compositions and ...

Scratching the inflammation can cause the skin to split, leaving it prone to infection. ... These problems include high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2), heart ...

EP3273973A1 - Methods and compositions for treating inflammatory ...

... fingers and feet, increased facial hair, and increased risk of lymphoma. ... Vasculitis is a condition that involves inflammation of the blood vessels, and can ...

US20090156982A1 - Transdermal treatment device and method ...

... will lower high blood pressure but raise low blood pressure) *. produces a ... relieve high blood pressure * normalize sebum secretion for skin problems.

US20050048144A1 - Herb extract-based cosmeceutical cream for ...

... hands or feet; and dry, itchy skin. Type II diabetes accounts for 90 ... The amount of the blood sugar lowering skin care cream of the invention which will ...

US5720304A - Method of treatment of some resistant infections ...

... hands and feet, it would have been difficult to obtain accurate results. ... caused by the infection contribute to increased pressure intensifying pain.

US6497890B2 - Anti-wrinkle preparation and method of reducing ...

... can cause damage to cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments. RA is a chronic ... increased susceptibility to infections, diabetes and high blood pressure.

WO2021119028A1 - Methods for treating digitally-identified il-4/il-13 ...

This causes blood to flow improperly and can lead to dangerous clotting ... high blood pressure, or arthritis. Disclosed herein are methods of treating ...

US9259451B2 - Use of alcohol extract of longan seeds - Google ...

... lead to bone lesions; and (3) rennin and angiotensin, for adjusting blood pressure, and therefore many types of hypertension are related to kidney troubles.

US20040185115A1 - Emu oil based methods and compositions for ...

This form can cause fever, chills, severe itching, a rapid pulse rate ... The adhesive composition can include a pressure sensitive adhesive adapted to removably ...

US10987379B2 - Hypochlorous acid formulations and methods for ...

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex is a form of EB that manifests blisters at the site of rubbing, typically affecting the hands and feet. ... However, BCC can cause ...

POP plaster application & care - Dr. Skand Kumar's Ortho Clinic

This elevated pressure can cause damage to the structures inside that closed space or compartment—in this case, the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and other ...

WO2016103260A1 - New metal complexes of nocardamine and ...

... high blood pressure for which no medical cause can be found. The remaining 5-10% of cases (Secondary hypertension) are caused by other conditions that ...

US6103242A - Method of controlling blood sugar levels using ...

... hands or feet; and dry, itchy skin. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 ... caused by extremely high levels of glucose in the blood) or death. In ...

WO2009090394A2 - Composition for treating a skin disorder ...

Pompholyx eczema is an extremely itchy type of eczema associated with small to large blisters that affect the palms of the hands and/or the soles of the feet.

WO2005108996A1 - Diagnostics and therapeutics for diseases ...

... blood can become abnormally high or low, disrupting body functions. ... Lice infestation (pediculosis) causes intense itching and can affect almost any area of ...