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WO2013125762A1 - Method for preparing low sodium, low chlorine ...

Method for preparing low sodium, low chlorine, and high potassium kimchi using wild grasses, and kimchi prepared thereby ... High blood pressure can overload the ...

Study investigates association between intake of sodium and ...

Jul 13, 2011 ... ... blood pressure and high sodium intake or low potassium intake. ... raise potassium consumption. The authors recommend that such efforts ...

High blood pressure: Lower your blood pressure by adding these ...

Feb 24, 2019 ... HIGH BLOOD pressure can often be lowered simply by making dietary changes, removing the need for medication. Including these four foods in ...

How to interpret your lab ... - Houston Thyroid & Endocrine Specialists

Anything which damages cells, including blood drawing itself, will raise amounts in the blood. ... high blood sugars, high blood pressure, or other causes. Blood: ...

Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular ... - NeoCardio Lab

... high MAP can increase RV afterload and decrease cardiac preload). Sedation/Analgesia may be indicated to avoid reactive increase in PVR. Oxygen should be ...

High blood pressure: Coconut water could lower reading | Express ...

Dec 13, 2019 ... High blood pressure narrows your arteries and increases the chances of blood clots forming on the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or ...

US20010002269A1 - Multi-phase food & beverage - Google Patents

Furthermore, high sugar intake is known to increase blood triglycerides and depression. ... George found that 1 cup of coffee can raise blood pressure average 5- ...

Hypertonic Saline Protocol & algorithms 6-19-08

This protocol will touch on the use of 23.4% sodium chloride solution for hypertonic therapy induction/rescue in patients with severe brain edema and elevated ...

High blood pressure: Bananas are rich in potassium which help to ...

May 19, 2020 ... Narrow arteries increase resistance and the narrower the arteries are, the higher the blood pressure will be. Thankfully, there are remedies to ...

US20080193525A1 - Potassium-magnesium citrate as a surrogate ...

3 graphically illustrates how salt sensitivity may cause high blood pressure, insulin resistance with uric acid stones, and hypercalciuria with calcium stones.

US10314850B1 - Use of ACTH in assessment and prophylactic ...

It is the circulating cortisol that is active and that may affect blood potassium levels, blood pressure, and other physiological variables, not urinary ...

Fewer people adding salt at the table | ScienceDaily

Jan 28, 2013 ... Eating too much salt can lead to raised blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke." RELATED TOPICS. Health ...