About 1,700,844 results (3,116 milliseconds)

Google Maps iOS app's nav defaults to train directions. How can I ...

Apr 30, 2019 ... How can I set it to default to driving directions? In the Google Home app, Personal info tab > Getting around (transport modes), Drive a car is ...

Why does my google time line say I travelled with a car but I ...

Aug 31, 2019 ... Why does google Maps say I drove and it gives a route but my wife says she went with the train I want to no how accurate is this timeline.

OTP without gtfs

I would like to know if can i use my ... I want to calculate the route by car or train, can i do an intermodal transport between train and car, without using GTFS ...

Why no trains and planes in My Maps ? - Google Maps Community

Apr 20, 2023 ... in Google Maps I can select itineraries by plane or train ... can only select the 3 others transport means (car, bike, walk). Why ...

Map directions not displaying when linking out from app - Google ...

Oct 15, 2019 ... ... do. It's not intuitive to tap the transport mode symbol, especially as (in my case) the car is already blued/selected on first opening Google ...

Why do I only get directions by train but no by public transition in the ...

Jun 18, 2019 ... ... car, train, bicycle or walk, why is that? I just moved to another ... I can get bus directions on my iOS and on desktop, so it's ...

Create a train itinerary on MyMaps - Google Maps Community

Apr 7, 2024 ... ... do so since you are looking for a novel solution. Regrettably, there is no way to: A) Create an itinerary of public transport in My Maps. B ...

How to change from bicycle to car - Google Maps Community

Jun 24, 2019 ... And it changes intermittently!!! One trip it will default to car, the next to bicycle with no pattern to it. My Google settings are defaulted to ...

How do I ship a glider from CA to TN?

> from the rail car. I spoke to a couple of people at the SSA convention who strongly advised against rail transport in the US for gliders in trailers.

When will be the public transport as 'travel method' available when ...

Sep 3, 2019 ... ... car roads. But it would be good if Public transport would be an travel option so the blue lines follows the train rails. ... My Maps was ...

The journey shown is not the train I am on - Google Maps Community

Jun 18, 2023 ... ... does not work as the train is faster than the car. The last problem ... does not fit in my pocket. By comparison, National Rail app ...

How do you set Car as the default mode in Google Maps? - Google ...

Jul 10, 2020 ... ... my next stop, it always goes to walking, unless the stop is a couple miles away, and I have to click directions, then car, which wastes a ...

How can I choose public transportation for part of a trip and the car ...

Aug 14, 2019 ... Right now I can get the -rail ... I'd like to be able to specify which parts of the trip would be public transport and which would be in a car.

How can I tell the app I'm on this bus after I clicked "no" - Google ...

Aug 4, 2019 ... ... do that. Can you please tell me how can I tell the app that I'm on board of a public transport vehicle? (Because maybe the train arrived late, ...

How do I change method of transportation? - Google Maps Community

May 18, 2021 ... I have tried changing it, and clicking on all other methods of transportation (which is usually my car!), and it says it “can't find a route”.

Rome2Rio: Trip Planner - Apps on Google Play

This super-handy Rome2Rio travel app makes trip planning quick, easy, and hassle-free. Planning your next trip can be exciting but also complicated.

Google Maps is only showing me mixed mode directions - Google ...

Jul 15, 2019 ... I do not have a car this only take public transportation. How do I ... Last week I was in a new city and I was taking local buses to my ...

Moovit: Your Transit Tracker - Apps on Google Play

Transform the way you navigate your city with Moovit, the all-in-one app for urban transit. Whether you're taking the bus, subway, train, or even hopping on ...

Conservatives and Trains - Ordinary Times

Mar 8, 2019 ... ... transport is the automobile (and maybe planes). Conservatives ... will always be a small fraction of the mass of the rail car. Think ...

For some reason, "mixed mode" doesn't show for me on the Google ...

Sep 6, 2022 ... ... Transport. How do I replace the Driving directions with biking directions? I prefer using my bike to go to different stations and stops. I ...