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Best way to clean press cloths

I do much the same with my Voran cloths but never use detergent. ... the same issues especially with the washing machine. In response to Ray's ...

Shermag Glider w/ Ottoman fabric cushion cover question - HELP

Aug 30, 2008 ... My wife is out now getting a steam cleaner while the baby is asleep. Maybe we should just stick with using that? Anyways, advice appreciated.

weird laundry problem (smell)

Some items come out of my wash with a weird, unpleasant metallic odor. At first it was a couple of towels, now it's some shirts and a pair of my sons jeans.

Can vinegar damage a DW heating element?

vinegar won't hurt the machine, it will only continue to clean it, and. I should just forge ahead and enjoy watching my heating element get cleaner and cleaner.

What is the best way to wash lettuce and ... - Dr. Annie's Experiments

The kale definitely improved after the soaking, but I did not see a significant difference with the white vinegar. I would like to improve my kale cleaning ...

How germy is everyone's clean laundry? - Dr. Annie's Experiments

... washing machine and every single detergent, but I just can't. However, you can do a quick experiment with hydrogen peroxide to see how clean your laundry is.

Laundry Product Testing - Dr. Annie's Experiments

When I did a hot load with bleach in my neighbor's old Whirlpool machine, I added the bleach directly to the wash water and got very clean results. I used my ...

Symptoms point to broken spider but diags don't

Oct 25, 2012 ... I used a pool descaler to clean it up and today I will use a small wire wheel as well. ... So I took my brand-new, still in the wrapper washing ...

What is the best way to sterilize a cleaning ... - Dr. Annie's Experiments

You can see how dirty most people's "clean" laundry is on my laundry experiments page. However, I use my Whirlpool duet HE front loader on a hot sanitize cycle ...

How necessary sanitation is, and how thorough it should be?

Nov 30, 2016 ... The cloths are rinsed daily with a hose while on a washing line and left to dry, weekly they go through a washing machine on a quick wash with ...

How necessary sanitation is, and how thorough it should be?

Nov 30, 2016 ... The cloths are rinsed daily with a hose while on a washing line and left to dry, weekly they go through a washing machine on a quick wash with ...

What's the best way to wash a cast iron skillet? I keep trying the dish ...

Apr 1, 2021 ... For serious messes, I use the power washer attachment on my garden hose. For a light touch up wash, my dog's licks do the trick. Upvote 20

Do germs die in the washer and dryer? - Dr. Annie's Experiments

My results show that there is still a lot of germs in clean laundry unless it is washed in hot water (130 degrees F or greater) or chlorine bleach is used. The ...

Removing washing machine agitator

I'm trying to remove the agitator on my 1980 White Westinghouse washer, so I can ... and finally with vinegar, allowing many hours for the liquids to flow down ...

DO NOT BUY a Staber Washing Machine - What they won't tell you

Use more only if your clothes are not getting clean. - Wash full loads only. This machine will not wash properly with only one or two items. - The operation ...

Biweekly Assistance Post! Ask Anything Detailing Related That You ...

Feb 19, 2021 ... How soon can I wash it? Should I stick with the foam cannon method and avoid sponges or direct contact? Is there a “curing” period I should wait ...

Biweekly Assistance Post! Ask Anything Detailing Related That You ...

Jul 8, 2021 ... That way you can keep your car clean. If you're familiar with that ... my car will be covered in water beads that don't roll off. I'll ...

Real Life Minimalists: Polythene Pam

Sep 24, 2012 ... Bicarb is wonder stuff, you can use it to clean everything from your ... Less consumption has meant less rubbish, so while I have a machine in the ...

Advice requested Whirlpool Duet Sport Washing Machine "popped"

put together (after I clean it up with some vinegar later). Here's how I ... should do for diagnostics is simply remove the back washer plate, remove

Kitchen Sink Experiments - Dr. Annie's Experiments

We can just wash them off with soap and water, right? This is a picture of my mother washing my kitchen sink. She loves to scrub out sinks and does it ...