Do you take any medication for reflux? □No □ Yes. Please write down any additional information you feel will help us understand your swallowing problem:.
However, current suturing treatments can cause pain in the chest and/or abdomen as well as bleeding. They can also cause patient to feel bloated and have ...
Joint hypermobility syndrome can include a wide and diverse array of symptoms, but the muscles and joints are most often affected, giving the syndrome its name.
Apparatus and methods for providing therapeutic treatment for symptoms associated with GERD and/or other digestive disorders and/or other medical conditions ...
How do you feel? Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of ... One or more accelerometer is attached to the patient's neck, and one or ...
Search within the title, abstract, claims, or full patent document: You can restrict your search to a specific field using field names. ... on the neck.
However, it is not certain that stimulation in this minor branch of the vagus nerve will have the same effect as stimulation of a main vagus nerve in the neck, ...
For example, if the stimulator is applied to the left vagus nerve at the neck, it would work as prescribed, but if it were to be accidentally applied to the ...
The primary advantage of the self-stimulation therapy is that it can be administered more or less immediately when symptoms occur, rather than having to visit ...
(2) "Thinking of your head, neck, and shoulder muscles, how do you currently feel?" "1 (completely relaxed) - 10 (completely tensed)". (3) "TWnking of your ...
More particularly, the user feels that his or her head and/or neck are warm and, generally, the user is not as comfortable as desired. FIG. 1A is a perspective ...
Search within the title, abstract, claims, or full patent document: You can restrict your search to a specific field using field names. ... in the oral cavity, ...
Impaired (i.e., slowed) motility of the gastrointestinal system, which can be involved in gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastroparesis (e.g., diabetic and ...
However, it is not certain that stimulation in this minor branch of the vagus nerve will have the same effect as stimulation of a main vagus nerve in the neck, ...
Impaired (i.e., slowed) motility of the gastrointestinal system, which can be involved in gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastroparesis (e.g., diabetic and ...
... would include elemental spheres representing patients who have cough as one of their symptoms. ... One can test whether neck X-ray is positive or negative ...
It should be noted that because the ends of the crests 134 are coplanar, the element 100 can be made to stand on the crests 134 with the longitudinal axis of ...
So she may contact areas of your body that you do not associate with your ... you will improve and begin to feel much better overall. Rarely are there ...