About 1,128,122 results (1,474 milliseconds)

My gift card isn't connecting to my phone, and it says it can't be found ...

Nov 8, 2024 ... Because I don't have a bank account or ATM access, I rely on this gift card to make payments, but it's currently not working for sending money ...

Accepted payment methods on Google Play - United States - Google ...

Mastercard; Visa. Note: The types of cards accepted through Google Play may vary. If your card doesn't work when you think it should, ...

I can't add my visa debit card - Google Play Community

Dec 6, 2023 ... Try adding your card through a web browser instead of the Google Play app. Check if your bank offers a virtual credit card that you can use for ...

Use virtual card numbers to pay online or in apps - Android - Google ...

When you save a credit or debit card to your Google Account, you may be able to turn on a virtual card number. Virtual card numbers can be shared with ...

Add a debit or credit card to the Google Wallet app - Google Wallet ...

Important: To make a contactless payment, you should be in a supported country or region. Learn where you can use Google Wallet. To pay in stores with your ...

Green Dot - Mobile Banking - Apps on Google Play

Green Dot is a financial technology and bank holding company committed to giving people and businesses the power to bank seamlessly, affordably, ...

Card was mistakenly scratched and some codes are missing ...

Mar 13, 2019 ... OK, support can help you but you will need a photo of the back ... One of my gift card code is missing what can I do. false. Enable Dark ...

My Debit card is fine but I am getting this error "correct the card info ...

May 13, 2020 ... You card might not be able to make international transactions. You can reach out to the support team using help tab from your Google Ads account ...

Payment options for your Google service - Google Workspace ...

You can make payments with major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. If you make a credit card your primary payment method, we ...

writing track2

> this is just plain ATM card without association with Visa Debit or ... > date or cvv2 printed/embossed on it. This could mean it is simply for use in a specific ...

What does "Flat" mean when adding a payment method to my ...

Nov 21, 2023 ... While filling information in order to add a payment method to my Google account, one of the things needed is something called "Flat".

Find supported payment methods - Hong Kong - Google Wallet Help

Where you can use it, Supported cards for top up, Places that support in-store ... All VISA & MasterCard Personal Credit and Business Debit Cards of HK currency ...

Accepted payment methods for YouTube Premium - YouTube Help

To make a one-time or monthly membership purchase of YouTube Premium, you must use an accepted payment method. If it's your first time making a purchase, ...

Debit card being used to make unauthorized Google Play purchases ...

May 17, 2024 ... He tells me that he does not purchase anything himself on Google Play or YouTube. Nor does he play games on his phone... which is an iPhone.

Cardtonic: Virtual & Gift Card - Apps on Google Play

Cardtonic is "the best" platform to get virtual dollar cards, buy and sell gift cards, pay bills, and buy various. Why is it the best?

Cards - Mobile Wallet - Apps on Google Play

Dec 11, 2024 ... Digital Wallet - Powerful Mobile Pay App! Experience Cards - Mobile Wallet, the ultimate wallet app solution to organize your apps for ...

Change your card & fix payment issues - Android - Google One Help

You can edit the credit card you use for your Google One membership. If you want to change how much you pay, change your storage plan.

Find supported payment methods - United States - Google Wallet Help

You can use your phone to pay wherever Google Pay is accepted. To make ... Chase Visa consumer credit, debit, and prepaid cards, Chase Visa business debit cards ( ...

How to add, remove, or edit your Google Play payment method ...

You can add and remove credit cards, debit cards, Google Play balance, and other payment methods you use to make purchases in the Google Play Store.

Adding a Visa Gift card to Google pay - Google Wallet Community

Jan 25, 2024 ... If your gift card has an issuer logo, such as Mastercard or Visa, you must add it as a payment method. Open the Google Wallet app.