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washing silk thread

a piece of smooth fabric that you keep between the iron and the stitched piece. But if your piece is stitched on linen, you can get it really flat by laying ...

Washing Finished Piece

Does anyone have any suggestions for washing a finished cross stitch piece on linen? I'm so afraid of the colors running as I did not wash

Aida or evenweave: advice please.

Let's say you are working on some fine soft linen. Using starch keeps you ... cautious because you will have to wash it out, and if you are using "some ...

CN104233763A - Novel fade-resistant washing process for cotton ...

... wash method to be cleaned by clothing at short notice.The method can the color of available protecting linen-cotton clothing, and prevent discolouration ...

Can I hand wash 100% rayon?

again to if you can wash it. In fact, I started washing rayon (I do it in the tub, just agitate ... This has worked for me with challis, the linen-looks and ...

Care and Feeding of Pennsic newbies? [SCA]

linen leines, you could wash a couple during the week to keep you going. Most large camps will also do a laundry run at some point and there are limited laundry ...


Oct 16, 2014 ... Do you really hand wash them? Or have they survived the washing ... I wash my madewell linen tees on cold and lay flat to dry; they ...

Yellow Spots on Washing

We run a hot wash through our washing machine regularly and mostly wash at 30 degs, with the occasional 40 deg wash for some towels or bed linen. Having ...

Shermag Glider w/ Ottoman fabric cushion cover question - HELP

Aug 30, 2008 ... Hi-. I've been trolling the web for about a 1/2 hour now trying to find out how to wash the cushion covers on my Shermag glider chair.

Blocking needlepoint & ironing wool

told how to wash it, step by step. (I hate it when people assume I don't know how to do anything, just because I'm young!) 1. How do I block this piece?

Pant crease won't stay - may be off topic!

Caveats: Do not force a sharp crease into linen -- you'll wind up breaking the fibers, and the pants will eventually split on the crease. Synthetic pants ...

Laundry Chute Regulations???

that's another job that will have to be done. Much better to put the laundry room on the bedroom floor where the bulk of the dirty washing originates and it can ...

Monday Morning Wash Day 'Blues' - Our New Life in the Country

Jul 27, 2015 ... I had to wash it and chop lots of the stem and some of the roots off as they were decidedly soggy. As you can see I have laid it on paper towels ...

Laundry Product Testing - Dr. Annie's Experiments

When I do a hot load on the normal wash setting in this Samsung top loader (without an agitator) and put chlorine bleach in the dispenser, these are the results ...

Do germs die in the washer and dryer? - Dr. Annie's Experiments

... you can wash on a sanitize cycle. I don't think it is important to worry about all the germs in your clothing unless it has been contaminated with a stomach ...

Orvus versus Ivory Liquid soap

Jul 21, 2001 ... pre-washing only (if you haven't pre-washed our threads before stitching, we ... knowing what people use to wash their work. Well I have to ...

CN104233763A - Novel fade-resistant washing process for cotton ...

... wash method to be cleaned by clothing at short notice.The method can the color of available protecting linen-cotton clothing, and prevent discolouration ...

French Polish Issue

... you have to wash it in alcohol to rid it of the shellac that clogs it and slows the process. Does Flax Linen clog fast and need washing to clear it?.

Wearing clothes already in our wardrobes - Chic at any age

Sep 20, 2019 ... Do let me know and share your ideas in the comments box. Tips on how to wash silk: I think one of the reasons I have not worn this shirt very ...

Doing your laundry in a bucket? - Early Retirement Extreme Forums

Jul 7, 2020 ... On the other hand, even if one does do laundry in the machine for larger items, one can choose to hand-wash more convenient items. Doesn't ...