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Empty string in H2 and Oracle

Jun 9, 2011 ... reading the column is now expecting Oracle's null and not H2's ... By the way: does Oracle convert empty byte arrays to NULL as well ...

Autogenerate ALWAYS assumes an empty schema with Oracle 11.2

... column, then I do autogenerate, alembic generates the upgrade and ... [SQL: '\nCREATE TABLE dut_departments (\n\tid INTEGER NOT NULL, \n\tname ...

Data definition language (DDL) statements in GoogleSQL ...

ALTER COLUMN DROP NOT NULL statement. Removes a NOT NULL constraint from a column in a table in BigQuery. Syntax. See more code actions. Dismiss View. Light ...

adding an auto increment column to an existing table

Postgresql / Oracle thing and you say CREATE SEQUENCE on either, will ... 'ALTER TABLE some_table ADD COLUMN q SERIAL NOT NULL' does, indeed, add a ...

Modifying table schemas | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Note: When you update a schema, the changes might not be immediately reflected in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS views. To view ...

Using "ALTER TABLE ADD..." to add multiple columns

-ALTER TABLE tableName ADD [ IF NOT EXISTS ] name dataType [ DEFAULT expression ] -[ [ NOT ] NULL ] [ AUTO_INCREMENT | IDENTITY ] [ BEFORE columnName ] + ...

CharField with Oracle Backend Null Behaviour

db error on not null constraint. - The above is not sufficient for Oracle as the db backend has hardcoded null=True regardless. of what we set. This is changed ...

Spatial tables with null geometries

name TEXT NOT NULL); SELECT AddGeometryColumn('jukka', 'geom', 4326 ... exists. an implicit "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN geom" will be silently executed,

GoogleSQL data definition language | Spanner | Google Cloud

You can specify NOT NULL in an ALTER TABLE...ADD COLUMN statement if you specify DEFAULT ( expression ) or AS ( expression ) STORED for the column. If you ...

Make schema updates | Spanner | Google Cloud

ALTER TABLE Songwriters ALTER COLUMN Nickname STRING(MAX) NOT NULL;. Reducing the length of a column. For example:.

CSV and NULL values

Jul 25, 2012 ... That is weird for non-Oracle users. ... Figuring out why all my empty strings came out to be NULL and thus giving me errors for NOT NULL columns ...

Transformation is not working

Aug 7, 2021 ... I have a debezium connector(Oracle) running and is generating change events. ... column but the inner ts_ms column could not be transformed ...

django-firebird backend: migrations and NULL fields

In column_sql method, when the field can be null, in firebird, is not necessary add the NULL keyword. So to change this behavior I need override the entire ...

Setting database default values in migrations (postgres)

Oct 30, 2014 ... ALTER TABLE "temp_table" ADD COLUMN "temp" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ... but they lead to very odd problems on Oracle, e.g, requiring ...

FB 4.01 - Error adding not null fields

Sep 19, 2022 ... Hi,. FirebirdSQL 4.x does not allow you to add not null columns when there is existing data in the table. It was allowed in Firebird 2.5.x.

JDatabase add/check the existence of columns?

Dec 28, 2011 ... ALTER TABLE "<<table_name>>" ADD COLUMN "<<col_name>>" TYPE bigint NOT NULL. Bye, Eng. Gabriele Pongelli. Sid Sudhi's profile photo. Sid Sudhi.

Deprecate change pk + save behavior for 1.4

Nov 30, 2011 ... A PRIMARY KEY is a unique index where all key columns must be defined as NOT NULL. ... According to the SQL standard, PRIMARY KEY should always ...

possible bug (JdbcSQLException: Parameter #16 is not set)

works on HSQL and on Oracle. But it doesn't work with H2. I am having issues ... <key column="USER_ID" not-null="true" /> <one-to-many class="model ...

Updating an obj column in MapInfo when the equivalent Oracle ...

Oct 31, 2008 ... I do not understand why MapInfo will not pick up spatial column changes on there own but this is what I have found to be happening.. The ...

Functions, operators, and conditionals | BigQuery | Google Cloud

If no rows are produced, the set of values is empty. UNNEST(array_expression) : An UNNEST operator that returns a column of values from an array expression.