About 1,255,611 results (5,550 milliseconds)

OLD Christian Rock Song

to Dallas A. Powell, jr. On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Dallas A. Powell, jr. wrote: > Back about '85 or ...

Dove Awards 1999

The Heart Live Hymns and Songs of Worship; Kim Hill; Good call. This is one of the better P&W albums I've heard. Southern Gospel Recorded Song of the Year "I ...

Every heard of Jason Sacks or Jon Butcher?

>band had a 1992 indie release of Christian music called >'No Option Here ... On Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-8, Craig M. Houck wrote ...

CCM Update re: Amy, Columbine, SDTR

From CCM Mag Online http://www.ccmcom.com/ccmupdate/99_05_03/news.html. May 3, 1999. Christian Music Offers Hope in Wake of Littleton Shooting.

Leslie Phillips

forthcoming Sam Phillips album, which left me kinda scratching my head... At any rate, I thought then, and now, that was a sad day in Christian music ... 1999 2: ...

Four Him & Jon Anderson?

> : Christian? ... > new-agey-flakey in the end. ... > about this? It's true, they have a song on the _Streams_ project. ... in the same studio as 4Him and is friends ...

Teresa of Avila 'Christ has no body' lyrics

amers. unread,. May 2, 1999, 7:00:00 AM5/2/99... Delete. You do not have ... in Christian music) to see if it is in print, but he has put out a few ...

Atheist/humanist songs

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:47:14 -0800, Al Christians <[email protected]> wrote: >Pauline Lerner wrote: >> >> Can anyone recommend an atheistic/humanistic ...

Pop Culture Primer: Music | Think Christian

Jul 19, 2018 ... This soulful debut received 10 Grammy nominations and managed five wins, including 1999's Album of the Year—the first hip-hop album ever to do ...

Petra - Steve Perry?

chat on issues about Christian rock/radio industry. Label reps encouraged to ... On 24 Jun 1999 21:25:37 GMT, [email protected] (Jerry B. Ray, Jr ...

WorshipGod Northeast Coming Soon - Worship Matters

Feb 9, 2017 ... Since 1999, I've been leading conferences to serve ... Should We Use Secular Songs on Sundays? Top Ten Ways to Write Bad Worship Songs ...

Help please: Ricardo Ray? Pancho Christo?

Nov 24, 1999 ... I think he does christian music now or he might be even dead. hes ... On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:29:53 -0500, George Rivera <gri...@surfree ...

Apostles of Rock: The Splintered World of Contemporary Christian ...

Apostles of Rock: The Splintered World of Contemporary Christian Music. Front Cover. Jay R. Howard. University Press of Kentucky, 1999 - Music - 299 pages.

Amy, Vince

happened? Paul On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:27:03 -0500, "Bird of Prey" <birdo ... > this more likely than if she'd just been involved in "christian" music?

Heaven's Child

Just out of curiosity has any christian or mainstream artist ever covered this song? The chorus goes "Heavens Child, Heavens Child, Jesus lived on earth as

‪William Flynn‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Medieval Music as Medieval Exegesis. WT Flynn. Studies in liturgical musicology, 1999. 49, 1999 ; Liturgical music. WT Flynn. Oxford history of Christian worship ...

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Believe it's an old gospel song. It's in the Presbyterian church hymnbooks I believe. Actually, it's a Shaker hymn....we sing it at my Catholic church too,

Anti-Abortion songs

What may also work are general Christian social-outreach songs: Steve Camp ... On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:22:02 GMT, Cj Hopper <[email protected]> wrote ...

Prince interview archive - Billboard, 26 January 2013

Jan 26, 2013 ... Music Connetion, 8 November 1999 · Musica!, 14 October 1999 · Musician ... The foursome is jamming tight and hard on “What If,” from contemporary ...

Doug Pinnick in Petra?

Song [a Christian rock label] brought us to Houston," according to Doug. (VoG94) They went nowhere with Star Song, but the band did meet Sam Taylor, a former ZZ ...