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Feb 28, 2018 ... 2005, A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Germany and Prussia), i.e. exactly in the same regions where Jews used the identical male given name ...

Funny German Jewish Names

otherwise the families wouldn't have been named so. I believe it was very common to give Jewish people funny names as they ... I once dated a boy whose last name ...

Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity - Ṭal Ilan, Thomas Ziem ...

Greek Names Male. 197. Greek Names Female. 399. Latin Names Male. 451. Latin Names ... Common terms and phrases. 1)'s daughter 1)'s father 1)'s husband 3rd ...

"Call me Meier" - I was wrong

that Mayer is not exclusively a Jewish name in Germany doesn't prove Gorring didn't mean it in an antisemitic way. Meyer or Meir was a common Jewish first

Was Ira Jewish?

influx of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. The Random House Dictionary lists Ira as "a male given name: from a ... << It was certainly not a common Hebrew/ ...

(PDF) First names in Sephardi communities

Apr 7, 2016 ... These Are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics, 2, ed. A ... male names (93%), and only 37 female. names (7%). 31 Of course there ...

Celebration of "Name Days" among Jews in pre-Second World War ...

that they started to call the traditional Jews orthodox. The orthodox ... male Jewish names were used for Xian saints. (Didn't/don't they assign them ...

Jewish First Names - Google Answers

Apr 13, 2006 ... ... Jews had been given it as a male first name. To verify this, I ... typical Jewish family name. I can't, alas, guarantee with absolute ...

possible Hebrew meaning of Spanish surname

While taking origin/place names was common for Jewish/Arab/Muslim cultures ... sapiens has a single male and single female progenitor [living millennia ...

The name "Chone"

Is there a Yiddish equivalent? > How about common Anglicizations of this name? Chone (with an aleph) was a name of an Amora (a Jewish scholar) ...

Horwitz or Howard?

The common Jewish name "Horowitz" is spelled "Gorowitz" in Cyrillic ... Here is what I found on the boys grave sites: Curly Buried in Home of Peace ...

Jewish pet names: Orthodox vs. Conservative/Reform

> names. It occurred to me that while such names are common in Conservative > and active Reform households, I don't believe I've ever encountered an

Jewish Women Ceramicists from Germany after 1933 — Google Arts ...

In the early 20th century, while some women artists in Germany were finally finding acceptance and visibility in the male ... names on the bases of the objects.

Mike Fishback - Intent and Impact

The suggested salary for male names was on average $4,000 higher than for female names. ... Jews from interfaith families, and non-Jews with Jewish family members ...

Bensemann Family - Nazis?

One reason for suggesting a Jewish link is the name - ie 'Ben' is a common ... War memorial at Mellinghausen showing the large number of men and boys lost ...


Jewish education and a return to "sechel" [common sense] in. 24. Page 26 ... --Male Finalist, Jewish Education. From a historical point of view, it is ...

question about origin of terms used in Syrian Jewish community

Nov 20, 2008 ... Reclaim your name @ymail.com or @rocketmail.com. ... The Arabic حبيبي Habibi, my beloved one, is used to convey fondness, so people will commonly ...

Looking Jewish and Jewish names

Why are there such things as typical Jewish names, such as Goldberg or Cohen. ... duties, and whose membership is passed through the male line. I'm not ...

Yehonatan vs. Yonatan & Hebrew transliteration

more common among Sefardim and other non-Ashkenazi communities (especially. Iran, where Jewish families bear names such as Chasidim - pious; Zakaim - pure ...

Amen to Life: Learning from the Haiku Mind of Samuel ... - Graceguts

Biblical references, mostly Jewish, are common in Menashe's poems. This is ... When I was a boy When I was a boy. I lost things— I lost things—. I am still ...