About 1,787,232 results (4,355 milliseconds)

English UK Kate voice now has a second voice - Waze Community

Nov 2, 2024 ... ... names, and has a clear English accent. But ... I have an unset and unknown male British voice sharing instructions while Kate (UK) is set.

Supported voices and languages | Cloud Text-to-Speech API ...

One common speech technology, parametric text-to-speech, typically generates ... English (UK), Premium, en-GB, en-GB-Chirp-HD-D, MALE, Your browser doesn't ...

Names and Naming Patterns in England, 1538-1700 - Scott Smith ...

Common terms and phrases. Alice Anne areas Aston Rowant baptism baptized in forty biblical names Birchington Bletchingdon boys baptized boys named Burton ...

Nature Guide UK - Forest cuckoo bee - Bombus sylvestris

Females have a single yellow band on the thorax with a black abdomen and a white tail. Males give the species its alternative common name of four-coloured ...

Nature Guide UK - Andrena

All nest in burrows excavated by the females, hence the common name of mining bees. Females are generally simpler to distinguish than males, with the colour of ...

English/American One-Name Studies, 1500-1700

It seems that most of the English One-Name Studies (within the Guild of One ... I'm concentrating on English Giffords, because of identifying my male-

Google — Year in Search 2024

Google Maps: Top Parks. Central Park, New York, United States · Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines ; Google Maps: Top Museums. The British Museum, London, United ...

OT: Irish Spelling of the Name Caitlin

list of boys' names. I am really offended by this! I wanted to call my ... most. English-speaking mouths will get) "Grahnyuh." It's commonly Anglicized

Funny/true names of drummers

Barlow is a funny drummer name. What's it have to do with drummers? Barrymore is a sort of common last name, and a not-so-common English first name.

What is the hardest part of learning your language for a foreigner? : r ...

Jun 6, 2021 ... ... names in the correct gender inflection, and conjugating verb tenses ... common for English speakers to not be able to than Spanish ...

Tracy and Tracey

Spencer Tracy's first name was also a surname. Tracy/Tracey was the most popular girl's name in the UK in about 1968-1975, so one can expect a lot of Tracys to ...

How do you pronounce Stephan King?

think of it as a more common British name anyway. "Allen" is a commonly ... The list of male names in the 1990 US Census, arranged by frequency, has ...

Year in Search 2023 - Google Trends

Google Lens: Top Categories. Translate. Translate. Search it · Arts ... The British Museum, London, United Kingdom. The British Museum, London ...

18 Superstitions from Around the World — Google Arts & Culture

Most likely among the different theories, historians have attributed the superstition to a 19th-century British children's game called “Tiggy Touchwood” in ...

Year in Search 2023

Explore the searches that shaped 2023, from Google Trends. #yearinsearch.

MDH Reporting Zero Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in St. Cloud Area

Jun 15, 2021 ... Though the best year for Justin was 1988, in which it was the 17th most popular boys name, Justin was solidly in the top 100 boys names every ...

Homer a common American name?

Hi, I'm from the UK, and I was wondering is Homer a common name for an. American male? Over here people would laugh at a guy called "Homer" in real life.

Content Scanning - Supported Information Types - Google Drive

A common male name. 8. General PII, First Name, First Name, A first name is ... UK Unique Taxpayer Reference. UK Unique Taxpayer Reference. 6. Financial. UK ...