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She continued to look for more clues. Directions: Make each simple sentence compound by adding a comma, conjunction,. and second ...

Aims OWL - Using Conjunctions

Hint: When FANBOYS are used to connect two sentences together, a comma should be placed in front of the FANBOY. This creates a compound sentence. Example: I was ...

compound conjunction - Apps on Google Play

Sep 26, 2023 ... The app contains everything you need to know about compound conjunction in english. It contains many things and answers questions, ...

Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences in - Google Slides

Compound Sentences. A compound sentence contains two independent clauses. Conjunctions (for, and, ...

Compound-Complex Sentence - ESL Radius

There are several ways to attach an independent clause to the rest of the sentence: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, or ...

Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences ...

Oct 25, 2014 ... ... sentences | definition and examples of simple, compound and complex sentences. ... conjunctions Also known Conjunctive Adverbs connect independent ...

Sentence Types - Google Slides

A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction.

Compound Sentence - ESL Radius

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses (or simple sentences) joined by a semicolon (“;”) by co-ordinating conjunctions like "and," ...

Actual writing advice : r/writing

Mar 10, 2021 ... Compound sentence is multiple clauses joined with a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, so, yet). Example, 'John is cold but loves the ...

English 6 Q4 PT #2.docx

Combine the following simple sentences to form a compound sentence. Use appropriate coordinating conjunctions. Josie bakes with delight. He does not regard ...

Simple and Compound Sentences Lesson - Google Slides

Compouind Sentences. A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. The conjunctions are as follows: for, ...

Compound Sentences - Google Slides

Definition. A Compound Sentence is a sentence that joins two independent clauses together with a coordinating conjunction or ...

Aims OWL - Commas

... compound sentence), use a comma ... For more on sentence combining with commas and conjunctions, check out our page on Independent and Dependent clauses.

Compound Sentences - Google Slides

A semicolon can take the place of the conjunction and comma. Only clauses closely related in thought should be joined to make a compound sentence. ​. ("Lesson ...

Types-of-Sentence-Structure.ppt - Google Slides

A compound sentence has more than one part that can stand alone (independent clauses). Independent clauses are connected by coordinating conjunctions, ...

Fifth Grade - Grammar

Sentences, Fragments, & Run-ons. Commas. Dialogue. Conjunctions. Simple, Compound, & Complex Sentences. Appositives. Prepositions. Adjectives & Adverbs ...

Correlative Conjunctions - ESL Radius

In this sentence, the correlative conjunction "both...and" is used to link the two noun phrases that act as the compound subject of the sentence: "my ...

Conjunctions - Unit Slides/Notes - Google Slides

These conjunctions join … ​. Words together; Phrases together; Simple sentences together (which make COMPOUND SENTENCES). ​. 14 of 35. Examples… ​. I want to ...

Complex Sentence - ESL Radius

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Unlike a compound sentence, however, a complex sentence contains clauses ...

Compound-complex sentences - Feke

A compound sentence is a type of sentence that consists of two or more independent clauses (also known as main clauses) that are connected by a conjunction ( ...