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[GA4] Overview of Google Analytics reports - Analytics Help

Detail reports: These reports provide more in-depth information about an area of interest; for example, see in-depth data about ecommerce purchases. Report ...

Google Analytics Data API Overview | Google for Developers

Here are some examples you might report on using the Google Analytics Data API v1: How many daily active users has your Android app had in the last week ...

Looker Studio Report Gallery

Website & Marketing Performance Report. By Aro Digital. High level Google Analytics template from Aro Digital. Nonprofit Web Data Template. By Whole Whale. We' ...

Analytics Tools & Solutions for Your Business - Google Analytics

Make your data work for you. Quickly analyze your data and collaborate with an easy-to-use interface and shareable reports. See all benefits. Unlock customer ...

[GA4] Demo account - Analytics Help

Because the demo account shows actual data from an ecommerce website, it's useful for exploring Google Analytics reports and features. Here are a few things you ...

[UA] The Cohort Analysis report [Legacy] - Analytics Help

For example, if the metric is Pageviews and the columns are daily data, then the first row shows the total pageviews for the day. The other rows show the values ...

[UA] Dimensions and metrics [Legacy] - Analytics Help

Every report in Analytics is made up of dimensions and metrics. Dimensions are attributes of your data. For example, the dimension City indicates the city.

Looker Studio: Business Insights Visualizations | Google Cloud

Deploy an example data warehouse or analytics lakehouse solution to store ... Data sources act as pipes to connect a Looker Studio report to underlying data.

Cloud Billing Reports | Google Cloud

Several different reports are available for your billing data analysis needs. Hands-on learning: Billing reports tour. Example of the billing report chart.

API Dimensions & Metrics | Google Analytics | Google for Developers

For example, include "customEvent:achievement_id" in a Data API ... For example if the report is time series by date, this metrics reports total ...

API Quickstart | Google Analytics | Google for Developers

Feb 3, 2025 ... ... analytics/data/samples/QuickstartSample.java · Open in Cloud Shell ... Data API and runs a simple report // on the provided GA4 property id.

Analyze data with Looker Studio | BigQuery | Google Cloud

... report or data source page. For example, a report with the URL of https://lookerstudio.google.com/navigation/reporting/XXXX-YYY-ZZ has a report ID of "XXXX ...

[UA] Import example overview [Legacy] - Analytics Help

Decide what data to import; Create any needed custom dimensions or metrics; Create the Data Set; Upload the data; See the data in reports; Next steps; Related ...

Analyze billing data and cost trends with Reports | Cloud Billing ...

If your permissions limit your billing report access to viewing costs for a single project, you won't see invoice-level charges. Example of the billing report ...

Create a report | Google Analytics | Google for Developers

The Data API v1 also has specialized Realtime reporting and Funnel reporting. runReport is the recommended method for queries, and is used in all examples ...

[GA4] Import cost data - Analytics Help

... data-upload service to remove cost data from Analytics reports. Data-source ... Here is an example CSV template for cost data. If you need to create ...

[GA4] Customize detail reports - Analytics Help

As an editor or administrator, you can customize a detail report to change the data shown in the report. Each Google Analytics property can have up to 150 ...

Performance report (Search results) - Search Console Help

For example, if you are currently grouping data by query, you can add ... For example, the site owner can set the reporting time zone in Google Analytics.

[GA4] Get started with Explorations - Analytics Help

Explorations gives you access to data and analytical techniques that aren't available in reports. ... For example, you can display a free-form technique as ...

Google Analytics Data API v1 developer quickstart | Google for ...

Mar 10, 2025 ... The response will contain a report with active users broken down by country, for example: { "dimensionHeaders": [ { "name": "country ...