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An image format for the Web | WebP | Google for Developers

Dec 20, 2024 ... WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. ... Terms · Privacy; Manage cookies ...

Mr Stevenson's Computer Science Classroom - C.3 - Distributed ...

Definition: Lossy compression or irreversible compression is the class of data encoding methods that uses inexact approximations and partial data discarding to ...

GB2545503A - Lossy data compression - Google Patents

... terminology, comprises the m MSBs from the compressed data value 410. The ... For instance, an integrated circuit definition dataset may define the ...

WO2006010644A1 - Lossless compression of color image data ...

Unless specifically defined otherwise, the term "color" relates to both real color tones and black-and-white grey tints in the following description. PDL ...

US5625712A - Iterative compression of digital images - Google ...

Such coding provides lossless compression. Since each pixel is defined by three (RGB) or four (CMYK) color components, it is preferable to perform the coding at ...

cwebp | WebP | Google for Developers

Dec 20, 2024 ... Lossless compression of alpha is achieved using a value of 100 , while the lower values result in a lossy compression. The default is 100 ...

US5485212A - Software video compression for teleconferencing ...

The pixel data of the listed blocks with lossy compression, and is encoded for transmission along with high definition data of a predetermined number of blocks ...

lz4/lz4: Extremely Fast Compression algorithm - GitHub

LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed > 500 MB ... LZ4 is also compatible with dictionary compression, both at API and CLI levels.

Lossless and Transparency Encoding in WebP | Google for ...

... lossless and translucent images, making it an alternative to the PNG format. Many of the fundamental techniques used in PNG compression, such as dictionary ...

US5533051A - Method for data compression - Google Patents

By definition, lossless compression techniques employ methods that guarantee the precise duplication of data after it has passed through the compression/ ...

US20090018801A1 - Lossless compression algorithm for ...

... compressed for transmission, to reduce the overall size of the data being transmitted. In terms of reconstructing the data, it is most important to define ...

US7876252B1 - Compression of sampled data in a data acquisition ...

... term “identical” as defined above applies, or in a lossy mode, in which case the term “similar to” as defined above applies. The present invention thus ...

US8218624B2 - Fractional quantization step sizes for high bit rates ...

Two categories of compression are lossless compression and lossy compression. ... According to one possible definition, quantization is a term used for an ...

WO2024043932A1 - Embedded compression for product lifecycle ...

These algorithms generally define lossless compression, in which the original data is represented without losing any information, and the process is reversible.

US20060023963A1 - Compression and decompression system with ...

A definition has been included for these various terms. However, the ... compression system, whether in a lossless or lossy manner. To avoid obscuring ...

US7580584B2 - Adaptive multiple quantization - Google Patents

Two categories of compression are lossless compression and lossy compression. ... According to one possible definition, quantization is a term used for an ...

US6141445A - Multiresolution lossless/lossy compression and ...

... term box. If you're searching forseat belts, you could also search for ... Compression ratio is defined as the ratio of the size of the uncompressed ...

US20230379469A1 - Image compression and decoding, video ...

In lossless compression, and in lossy compression, the file size is reduced. ... Why do we want to define the output distribution in terms of the input ...

Introduction to audio encoding for Speech-to-Text | Cloud Speech-to ...

Together these terms are often referred to as a sound device's fidelity. ... Lossy compression necessarily removes some such information during compression ...