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CN108030716A - A kind of celery toothpaste and preparation ...

As modern's work and rhythm of life are accelerated, pungent excessive ... canker sore is caused, is a lack of a kind of performance of vitamin, so ...

CN105686979A - Fulvic acid toothpaste and preparation method ...

CN102218021B 2013-01-23 Toothpaste for removing halitosis and preventing canker sore ... CN105748306A 2016-07-13 Baking soda toothpaste. CN110801404A 2020 ...

US4444748A - Use of tartrates in treatment of herpes - Google Patents

He has also tried many "home remedies" including use of baking soda ... US4191750A 1980-03-04 Method for treating canker sores. EP0077063B1 1988-03-16 ...

CN101816359B - Bamboo salt food tea and production method ...

Caulis bambusae in taenian flavor is sweet, and little cold does not have ... mouth disease in addition and dispel pain.China Ming Dynasty Compendium ...

CN1668096A - Visual tape playing device - Google Patents

... does not have image, text and data.And traditional data recording on tape record can only be used for storage data, not recording voice signal.The acoustic ...

CN1420488A - Vedio tape picture and text data generating and ...

... does not have image, text and data. And traditional data recording on tape record can only be used for storage data, not recording voice signal. The ...

Hexavalent Chromium concerns re/ electrolysis...

Feb 2, 2004 ... and the fumes may make you cough. (AFAIK Arm & Hammer's Soda maybe even just Baking Soda, the stuff they put into Alka-Seltzer). Your worries ...


Taking activated charcoal along with medications taken by mouth can decrease how much medicine your body absorbs, and decrease the effectiveness of your ...

CN1219283C - 可视音带的图文数据生成和编码方法及图文数据播放 ...

3512 sore 3542 stak 3572 sule 3602 tact 3632 tear 3662 ther 3692 tinc. 3513 ... 3938 work 3968 yegg 3998 zarf 4028 abash 4058 addle 4088 agenc 4118 alive.

"DentiCore Reviews: Is This Oral Health Supplement the Real Deal?"

How Does DentiCore Work To Enhance Oral Health? DentiCore oral hygiene support pill provides proper oxygenation of the gum and tooth tissues, keeping them ...

j*WISH CONSPIRACY: News 5/99 News from around the world as it ...

'' He did not elaborate. Earlier this week, a government statement said Sethi was arrested for alleged links to India's spy agency. India and Pakistan are ...


... baking baklava balalaika balalaikas balance balanced balancer balancers balances balancing balconies balcony bald balding baldly baldness bale baleful baler ...

The Werewolf Medallion

As for the town, think about it. If I'm right and these beings are there, how do you think the people are affected? Haskell, is a tough town and the ...

The Truth About Scientology and Dianetics

19. Project work: Scientology - Nygammal Vetenskap ? , Runöskolan, Stockholm 1983 20. Free Zone: From OT III by L Ron Hubbard