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Unintentionally scary songs

> very easy to sing along with...until you actually listen to the lyrics. So is Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy, although that probably is deliberate. OTOH, when ...

Banjos on the pop charts - a challenge

Take It Easy ( Eagles?) ( seems there was another soft rock song too I cant remember was it ... and even saw those guys on some music show of the time doing it, ...

Rock song ID: "I'm Falling Down"?

I'm trying to find the name of a rock song. I believe came out a few years back. I *think* the singer (male) sings "I'm Falling Down" in the main chorus.

Silence Is Madness777 - Guy Ritter - Interviews

I recorded Metal, Rock, and Classical music for the album. You can hear ... Guy: Actually, there are falsetto vocals on three of the FLOOD songs, but I ...

My Personal Top 10 Albums of All Time | Yellow Bricks

Jun 8, 2016 ... ... rock / alternative music. Ow, if the youtube link isn't working in ... song on the album and I can sing along every track word for word.

David Blue: "So Easy She Goes By" (video)

... men singing in America and I was happy then ... younger musicians, played gigs, and prepared material for a new album. In one of his songs from this period, a ...

AOQ Review 6-6: "Once More, With Feeling"

(There's even a tradition of non-singing songs for some situations. Rex ... easily my favorite song of the episode. Good performance, fun tune ...

[Harp-L] Willie Dixon Controversy

order to make it a song a male would sing. A year before they won back all rights to Hound Dog, a band named Freddie Bell and the Bellboys made the ...

Singers and other Musicians Inspired By Mario Lanza

Mar 5, 2016 ... He also accepted that I would sing jazz and pop songs [Schlager] at night. ... This man removed the barriers between serious music and easy ...

Genius — Song Lyrics Finder - Apps on Google Play

Genius is the world's biggest collection of song lyrics and crowdsourced music knowledge. SEARCH MILLIONS OF SONGS Explore trending songs on the Genius ...

Songs on SCTV

I'd watched "Five Neat Guys Gold" again recently and have been singing "come on and put some extra relish on my hotdog/ It's sunday and I really feel

EASY TO LOVE YOU: A Net.Tribute to Brent Mydland

a singer with phenomenally successful Bay Area-base rock group, which ... Just listen to that river sing sweet songs to rock your soul. Rest in peace ...

Dove Awards 1999

So that's a "modern rock song." OK. Hard Music Recorded Song of the Year "Awesome God"; The Insyderz Present Skalleluia!; The Insyderz; Rich Mullins with ...

Spanish sea shanties?

... song was in the guys who understood it and the guys who learned it from ... You could sing songs on shore but not >shantys - a real jonah! Again this ...

1 Step Toward 1000 Miles - Joe Melillo Site

They enjoyed this song at the Brooklyn Harmonica Club! LYRICS: I would fight off a hundred men if they tried to take my dime. I would march ...

Quest for sad songs

(`Crazy Man Michael' from the same album is also a classic sad song.) also `Double Cross' sung by Mary Coughlan (Tired & Emotional) (I don't know who's the ...

Summary: 100 most essential blues [jam session] tunes

about a third of all rock and roll songs. The rest of them are in A or ... ) song, and though he was "Country" the country boy from south Alabama could ...

Best Albums of the Decade. Top 25 « Thomas Reynolds

Dec 14, 2009 ... However, it's also much better and maybe even easier to sing along to if you can parse the words. ... Greg uses a lot more classic songs and rock ...

"It Would Have A Slant of ... - THE ROCK INTERVIEWS OF AARON JOY

Oct 21, 2018 ... We are touching on that in some future songs, actually. GUYS WITH WIVES does have a country song that is coming up in the works. TRAVIS: It's ...

The most overrated artists in CCM...

Wake up people! Dan > sounds like he's afraid to sing. The musicianship is so simple that a first > year guitarist could play their songs. They ...