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Shaw - Supernatural Studies

Abstract: [page 26] Horace Walpole's novel The Castle of Otranto is seen as the origin of the genre of gothic fiction. It has spurred continuing debate over ...

Bleiler's Guide to Supernatural Fiction

NINETEENTH-CENTURY GOTHIC (Oxford: 1990). When I was first starting to read any classic ghost fiction systematically (early 1990's), these books were useful to ...

McCrystal - Supernatural Studies

Aside from setting and perspective, Matthew Lewis uses superstition and the supernatural to evoke horror and terror in his 1796 Gothic novel The Monk.

Dodworth - Supernatural Studies

Furthermore, it is Mary Shelley's Gothic monster novel Frankenstein (1818) that sets the stage for the Realist novels of the mid-nineteenth century that ...

Downey - Supernatural Studies

While the examples I have been discussing are perhaps the most ... Similarly, in Anne Rivers Siddons' 1979 supernatural gothic novel The House ...

Chang - Supernatural Studies

As Verena-Susanna Nungesser notes, the richly complex meanings of Rebecca do not merely present “a comeback of Gothic fiction,” but the novel itself also ...

Book Review by E Foley O'Connor of The ... - Supernatural Studies

... examples discussed in the collection, women's involvement with the supernatural in literature has been long-standing and myriad. ... Gothic fiction by ...

Bride - Supernatural Studies

[page 36] The haunted house is such a staple of gothic literature that it shifts effortlessly from loaded symbol to awkward stereotype throughout the canon.

Southern Gothic:Literature of the Macabre - Google Slides

The "Gothic" genre originated at the end of the 18th Century. Its common characteristics include dark isolated settings, supernatural phenomena.

Gothic Analysis

Nov 16, 2012 ... Gothic Literature is writing to create a feeling of terror and mystery in which stories may include supernatural characters, events and settings.

Book Review by I Schrynemakers of J ... - Supernatural Studies

Jul 9, 2024 ... The Haunted States of America: Gothic Regionalism in Post-war American Fiction,. by James Morgart. Reviewed by Ilse Schrynemakers. Queensborough ...

Vol 6 Issue 1 - Supernatural Studies

Abstract: Horace Walpole's novel The Castle of Otranto is seen as the origin of the genre of gothic fiction. It has spurred continuing debate over how to ...

Vol 10 Issue 1 - Supernatural Studies

Through the examination of two paranormal reality television examples, Ghost Adventures and Ghosts ... The New Queer Gothic: Reading Queer Girls and Women ...

Hay - Supernatural Studies

Andrew Cooper has noted, the modern ghost story continues a very domestic strain of Gothic fiction that began in the Victorian era; here, the horror is ...

Allmendinger - Supernatural Studies

For analyses of Rebecca and the Gothic romance, see for example Richard Kelly (Daphne du Maurier, Twayne, 1987, pp. ... Interestingly, the Gothic novel was also ...

Alber - Supernatural Studies

Of the more recent critical examinations of the novel, Patricia Cove classifies The Last Man as a Gothic ... examples of non-fiction apocalyptic speculation. They ...

2020 Conference - Supernatural Studies

Abstract: Gothic literature contains many elements to cultivate a sense of ... How and why is this changing, and—most importantly—what role can these examples of ...

Moreno Parsons - Supernatural Studies

I've taught three of these episodes in composition and literature courses as a way to get students thinking and writing: “Be Right Back,” “Playtest,” and “ ...

Vol 8 Issue 1 - Supernatural Studies

... Gothic romance, Victorian novel, existentialism. The Ghost as Psychological Disturbance: The Supernatural in Knut Hamsun's “Damen fra Tivoli” and Arne ...

Reid - Supernatural Studies

... gothic literature and melodramatic performance. Developing from melodrama's ... For example, the use of the phrase “à la Octavian” in the suggested ...