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DIKSHA - for School Education - Apps on Google Play

The DIKSHA platform offers teachers, students and parents engaging learning material relevant to the prescribed school curriculum.

World Bank Document

... human resource development as an important requirement for an expanded role. ... Research and Training (NCERT) for the development of instructional ...

Advancing Education Using Google AI - Google for Education

Lisa Nielsen, Founder of The Innovative Educator, explains how generative AI can help teachers spend more time with students, personalize learning, and connect ...

Google Translate – Apps on Google Play

Text translation: Translate between 108 languages by typing • Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and tap the Google Translate icon to translate (all ...

Class 12 NCERT Books – Apps on Google Play

Get All Ncert books of Class 12 All English & Hindi Medium Books Books covered in NCERT Books of Class 12 are - Mathematics :- Mathematics Part-I ...


Rao P.L. (2008) Enriching Human Capital Through Training and Development ... • Understand the concept of human resource development (HRD). • Discuss human ...

GIST of NCERT Classwise Class 6-10 (17 books in 1) for UPSC and ...

NCERT Class 8 Goegraphy (Resource and Development). Chapter 1 Resources ... Chapter 6 Human Resources. NCERT Class 8 Polity (Social and Political Life 3).

Arun Umrao - NGOs and social movements

NGOs have plays important role in the empowerment of SCs/STs, women by spreading awareness in core issues of the Indian Society. NGOs also run skill development ...

Shaalaa: The Study App - Apps on Google Play

Shaalaa®: Learning made easy and accessible. This app contains Maharashtra State Board Digest, CBSE Solutions, NCERT Solutions, RD Sharma Solutions, ...

Arun Umrao - Immanuel Kant on transcendent idealist view of ...

As finite rational agents, human persons have not only the faculties or capacities of sense and understanding but also the faculty of theoretical and moral- ...

Khan Academy - Apps on Google Play

You can learn anything. For free. Spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics. Discover how the Krebs cycle works. Get a head start on next semester's ...

Arun Umrao - Role of authority in anarchist society

The economic basis, the relationship between labour and capital in both agricultural and industrial sectors will be harmonised one reconciling freedom, equality ...

Arun Umrao - Examine the role and relevance of civil society in ...

With the “third-wave” of global democratization, many communist and authoritarian regimes were forced by civil society groups to make the transition to ...

Arun Umrao - Define Deadweight Loss. How it is measured?

Thus dead-weight loss is the economic benefit forgone by these customers due to the monopoly pricing. (ii) Or people who would have more marginal cost than ...

LEAD Group Student App - Apps on Google Play

LEAD Group offers the Student App for all our partner schools parents. Your child can now revise and practice at home, complete homework tasks and you can ...

Arun Umrao - Plantation economy in Cuba

Remaining stagnated economy about four hundred years after discovery of Cuba, its importance began changing in the 18th Century with the development of ...

Arun Umrao - Socialist perspectives on human rights

Citizens are also expected to perform many obligations and duties imposed by the socialist system of governance. Many provisions of the Soviet bill of rights ...

Arun Umrao - Core characteristics of Conservatism

The conservatist are pessimist view that the human beings can be morally improved through political and social changes. Conservatives tend to assume that human ...

Arun Umrao - GNU-Octave GUI Controls Linking & Communication

Function Analysis Notes CBSE Class XII ... Dog's Family Tree Class 6 NCERT · Class 07 · Hindi · English · Maths · Science · Social Science · Class 08 · Class 09.

Arun Umrao - Features of the Cuban revolution.

In the first sixteen years of the revolution, the Communist Party played no important role but concentrated on the development of mass mobilisation of labour, ...