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PPROM Facts - The PPROM Foundation

The amniotic sac holds the baby in the uterus, protecting from damage and helping to regulate the baby's temperature. ... baby during a high-risk pregnancy. 1,3.

US20150142088A1 - Female undergarment with heating ...

Menstrual cramping (dysmenorrheal) is a medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. ... during the premenstrual period, pregnancy ...

US20090156982A1 - Transdermal treatment device and method ...

... excessive menstruation * uterine ... prevents drunkenness Female Conditions * menstrual cramps * pain during labor * promotes menstruation Gastrointestinal.

Hypermobility Syndrome

Excessive stretchiness of the vagina itself and weakness of the muscles that ... during pregnancy. On the other hand, some symptoms, such as heartburn ...

US9750634B2 - Intra uterine device - Google Patents

The risk of ectopic pregnancy in pregnancies that do occur during ... The term 'dysmenorrhea' used herein refers to a medical condition characterized by severe ...

US7855190B2 - Methods of hormonal treatment utilizing ...

... pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, acne, and hirsutism. ... All patients will be followed for the occurrence of pregnancy during the course of ...

US6841175B2 - Chenopodium ambrosioides extract for treating ...

She has history of severe menstrual pain, which got more severe the last four months. About 2001, her gynecologist, on examination, told her she has a uterine ...

WO2019106034A1 - Method for determining a tissue injury and ...

Uterine adenomyosis is caused by auto-traumatisation of the non-pregnant uterus by its genuine mechanical functions during the menstrual cycle (Leyendecker et ...

WO2019106034A1 - Method for determining a tissue injury and ...

Uterine adenomyosis is caused by auto-traumatisation of the non-pregnant uterus by its genuine mechanical functions during the menstrual cycle (Leyendecker et ...

Babytalk | An increasing health issue in the country: Syphilis during ...

May 17, 2021 ... As many as 40% of the babies exposed to syphilis during pregnancy die before they are born. The ones who survive face a lifetime of bone pain, ...

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant - TV on Google Play

Believe it or not, many women get all the way to the moment of childbirth without knowing they were pregnant. How is that possible?

RU2139001C1 - Method of suturing of wound on uterus after ...

The diagnosis was made: threatening abortion during pregnancy of 12 weeks, uterine fibromyoma intamural-subserous form. ... painful, heavy. She was ...

US20110229583A1 - Human Medicinal Treatment Typically Using ...

... extreme pain. [0071]. Various analgesics, such as the over-the counter ... Benzodiazepines taken during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the baby.

IT201900019876A1 - Serrapeptase for use in the treatment of deep ...

Endometriosis often causes infertility, pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and is characterized by the ectopic presence outside the uterine cavity of endometrial ...

WO2006114004A2 - A remote controlled tubular implant device and ...

... during previous luteal-phase for possible pregnancy to grow in the uterus. ... In this situation, extreme dehydration, nausea, bleeding, pain and fever take place ...

JP2008044879A - Lactoferrin-containing pharmaceutical ...

Menstrual pain due to abnormal predominance of sympathetic nerves due to mental stress and tension, excessive contraction of blood vessels and uterine smooth ...

US20050215858A1 - Tubular personal pelvic viewers - Google ...

Dramatic changes also occur during early pregnancy, under the influence of ... pain and discomfort immediately after it was placed in her uterus. The ...

EP2484305A2 - Method for palpation of the physiological ...

The next stage of the uterus during the oestral cycle is when it is aroused ... Despite the above, a proof that simplifies and certifies the pregnancy during ...