About 1,579,031 results (4,880 milliseconds)

I've a French website and I want to use French and English ...

Aug 7, 2019 ... I live in France and see a lot of shops and products with English names. They think it sounds cute. In England we have Pret a Manger cafes ...

Google Translate

error_outline. Translation error. Try again. Send feedback. Document translation. Detect language. Detect language. English. Spanish. French. swap_horiz.

Why Android auto is reading my text messages in English when ...

Jul 26, 2019 ... I use Android auto in french but when I receive a text message Mrs Google switch to English and try to read the name of the expeditor and the message in ...

Disable languages in the language options dropdown

... names of these languages. Including only British English and French won't hide the other languages. My quick and dirty solution has been to delete the names ...

11 November 2018 : An example of the “Europeanisation of national ...

Nov 14, 2018 ... On this ring are inscribed, in alphabetical order, the names of 580,000 French, British and German soldiers killed in Nord-Pas-de-Calais between ...

Google Search is displaying the wrong language in its results ...

Sep 4, 2019 ... I do not speak French, and have looked at every single possible place to specify English only, with no results. Including inside Google Chrome, ...

Change the language of Google Assistant - Android - Google Nest ...

English, French. Chile, Spanish. Columbia, Spanish. Denmark, Danish. France, French ... Change device names in the Google Home app. 3 of 17. Change Google home ...

Language Support for Canadian English and French. [36920000 ...

Aug 6, 2010 ... We use British spellings and have a lot of French words, names and places in our language. But Google makes us choose between British English, ...

Translation of city names

as plural in French, but Antwerp doesn't look plural at all. A very high proportion of the cities that have specifically English names are in Italy. I have ...

French cider apple varieties for colder climate

No-one knows definitively it seems, but a lot of the names of English cider apples have a relationship with our Breton, Norman and Channel Island cousins ( ...

Why Android auto is reading my text messages in English when ...

Jul 26, 2019 ... ... English and try to read the name of the expeditor and the message in English even if it's in French. It's hilarious but not very ...

Supported voices and languages | Cloud Text-to-Speech API ...

English (UK), Premium, en-GB, en-GB-Chirp-HD-D, MALE, Your browser doesn't ... French (France), Premium, fr-FR, fr-FR-Neural2-G, MALE, Your browser doesn't ...

How do I type French accented characters on a UK keyboard ...

May 31, 2020 ... Can anyone confirm that there is no way in Chrome OS to type all French accented characters on a UK keyboard? I can get e acute (é) by using ...

Name pronunciation

>this name in English. Spanish renders it as Jrusof, I think, for only 6. >French, on the other hand, spells it Khrouchtchof (or something like that)

Duplicate listing, how to remove the incorrect one which I can't find ...

Jun 6, 2021 ... The name is the same, the address the our Uk address but there ... Each registered in each country, so Uk Ltd Company and French Syndicate.

Change Google Maps languages or domains - Android - Google ...

Google Maps automatically takes you to a country domain and shows place names in a country's local languages ... English (United Kingdom)‎, español ...


>: completely different names? Thanks! > >Both Flutre's index to names in French romances, and Ackerman's index to >names in Middle English Arthurian texts ...

Major Rivers Of The British Isles - The English Channel

It is also called by many different names by other European nations, including, La Manche in French, Engelse Kanaal in Dutch, Armelkanal in German, El canal de ...

French English Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

Easily learn French & English with French English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The French English ...


When the British decided to kick the French Acadians out of. Acadie in 1755 ... names or changed the name to the direct English translation of their name.