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Billings West High Cheer - Class of 2022

... your fellow underclassmen cheerleaders? Have fun! Really take in the whole high school experience and be friends with everyone! Take lots of pictures! (You ...

North Hollywood High School Zoo Magnet - Mentors to the Class of ...

Some of my favorite things to do are listen to music, eat, sleep, learn ... I hope I can make your time here at the Zoo Magnet as fun and memorable as possible!

Billings West High Cheer - Class of 2020

Do your own thing and don't get caught up in the drama! Who is your idol and ... school and for making these years of my life so much fun and memorable!

SAPRE: Novel ideas - Yale Daily News

Sep 27, 2021 ... I admire born storytellers. Public speakers, high school teachers, friends of parents at a cocktail party, all of whom can talk about buying ...

Girls and Robots — ANDREA PHILLIPS // deus ex machinatio

May 8, 2012 ... You can make friends with other girls who DO think its cool, or boys ... I was picked on for being a tomboy from your age up until high school, ...

The Kearnian

Thank you Kearny High School for being home for me for the past four years. Thank you teachers who always supported me in my crazy ideas involving book writing, ...

Rosehill High School - Pupil Voice Updates 23-24

Another thing my friends think I should do is stand-up comedy or be a ... make up our own scenes and really have fun with it. Music is positive because ...

Allen Seniors 2020 - Seniors 2020

I've gotten to do some incredible things in high school, however right now ... Thank you to all my teachers and friends who guided me to get through high school!

HOTH Fall 22

... some things do hurt. I doubt anyone else in high school will be getting dentures but I guess a blenders gonna be your best friend if you do. Most of what I ...

Grandville Senior Survivor - DONATE HERE to Survivors

Outside of school, I am a member of my church leadership team, I play softball, and I love spending time with my family and friends. A fun fact about me is I am ...

HOTH Fall 22

... some things do hurt. I doubt anyone else in high school will be getting dentures but I guess a blenders gonna be your best friend if you do. Most of what I ...

On not having fun, not making or losing friends, being a shut-in while ...

Apr 12, 2019 ... Of course it's possible to do things if you have them, but ... By the end of high school I had a couple active groups of friends.

Grandville Senior Survivor - DONATE HERE to Survivors

Outside of school, I am a member of my church leadership team, I play softball, and I love spending time with my family and friends. A fun fact about me is I am ...

SCHS ASB - ASB Elections

I want to be ASB president because I have many ideas for the future. I want to make our school spirit amazing and make sure every cardinal feels worthy. I want ...

CASTRO VALLEY HS - 2020-2021

One of my favorite things to do is hang out with my friends doing whatever ... Currently I'm a Junior and some things I do at school are link crew, choir, and ...

Farewell Class of 2020 - Student Messages

Even though I cannot be physically there for your high school graduation (in ... do great things in the following years of your life. I'm so lucky that ...

The Wolfpack Recap - Opinion

Whether it be grades, looks, or amount of friends, during high school it is very easy to compare yourself to others. ... fun that you and your friends have.

HC track and XC - Why We Run

... fun since my friends were doing it. The ... The Hinsdale Central Long Distance Running program has been very important to me through my high school career.

Need initiation ideas for freshmen

Do you know why? Because we don't kill people with initiation at Kearny High School. The year before my freshman year, I attended band camp to march blanks ...

Steindorf Maker Lab

Grades 1 and 5 please make of list of things you MIGHT include in your maker ... When was a kid I was in the rocket club at my middle school. I ...