About 1,948,758 results (5,817 milliseconds)

Re: amend a commit and upload it

git commit --amend > 7. edit the commit message > 8. git push aosp. This will push all local branches with names that match remote branches (see git-push(1)).

Activity page does not show all changes to all local branches · Issue ...

Aug 12, 2015 ... At the beginning, the activity updated when i commit any git, but nowthe activity module doesn't update my current commits. . But When i choose ...

Want to pull all remote branches at once.. But git branch -r showing ...

May 11, 2021 ... Those commands are not fetching and pulling all remote branches into my local repository. When execute git remote show origin it shows all ...

Strange behavior on local branches with repo sync, due to my manifest

Jan 20, 2012 ... 0 from origin. Switched to a new branch '1.0.0'. If I open gitk --all, I see that 1.0.0 local branch is on the same ... 0. git remote show origin

After repo sync, git status shows "Not currently on branch" and ...

Apr 3, 2013 ... I check all the git repositories and it all shows not on branch. ... have to create any local branches. You can just push the remote branch

Easily clean up a team's remote git branches | Ovid [blogs.perl.org]

Nov 20, 2016 ... = qx/git show -s --pretty='%cn|%ci %D' \$(git rev-parse ... This seems to list all local branches, not remote ones -- so if one ...

empty folder after git clone

Dec 26, 2011 ... All you need to do is to checkout correct remote branch to get all the files in the local repository. ... "git branch -a" to see a list of ...

repo start not working as expected

Apr 7, 2016 ... As mentioned above, we don't create local branches unless created with "repo start". If you use `git branch -r --points-at HEAD`, you'll see all ...

how do I switch branches by repo

but this is the 'svn' style, right? coz when git pull , it would pull all branches into my local pc what I think is. I simply can do repo forall -c git checkout ...

Tortoise Git Log BranchNames / Tags not Shown

Have you tested our latest preview release? > All show up with git branch / tag ... local master branch and then it appears again in TortoiseGit Show Log.

How to git pull latest changes from gerrit changeset + master

> change is made to a local branch the Developer executes a "git pull". ... CHANGE_ID=$(git show HEAD --summary | grep "Change-Id:" | awk -F ' ' '{print $2} ...

Not able to checkout particular branch when the branch is available ...

May 16, 2013 ... > Then, I go and check the list of branches available > $ git ... feature), but there's also 'repo start' to start local topic branches.

Push all GIT branches to Gerrit

#get the list of remote branches without the spaces at the beginning local BRANCHES=`git branch -r | cut -d" " -f3` createLocalBranch ${BRANCHES} # push all ...

Trouble with Git mirroring

5) Use `git ls-remote` to verify R2 really mirrors the state of R1. To see which branches the local repository has, and at which commits ... You might also throw ...

How to create a private mirror of the Code Aurora Forum repository?

Feb 25, 2014 ... repo sync -j8. Once the "repo sync" completes, restarting Gerrit shows all the new ~350 CAF git projects: $ gerrit.sh restart. $ ssh -p 29418 ...

Repo and switching manifest branches / Production branches ...

... shows that all repositories are still attached to master. Now I ... - Why does this local "default" branch in the manifest repository get created at all?

Repo Not on a Branch

Dec 27, 2008 ... than leaving the working space on no local branch? ... It checks out the revision on a detached head, which "git branch" reports as "(no branch)".

TortoiseGit "Pull" dialog dropdown shows Remote Branches that no ...

Oct 26, 2015 ... In every other view of the repository, I see exactly the right list of local and remote branches I expect. ... all entries very easily and quickly ...

Using version control and deploying | Looker | Google Cloud

The Branch Management tab of the project settings shows a table of all the Git branches for the Looker project. ... show the status of the local version of the ...

rbtools behavior with git branches

All dev work is done on local branches off of master, and then merged back into master. ... forgot to show our rbtools version: $ rbt --version. RBTools 0.6.