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Funerals - St John St Mary QC

(Order of Christian Funerals, no. 30). Since music can evoke strong feelings, the music for the celebration rites should be chosen with great care.

Pope Francis Homilies - Disabled

It makes me think of the Gospel parable of the house built on rock or sand (cf. ... Father (cf. Jn 15:15). In times of hardship. Jesus' friendship protects ...

Music Page - The Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration

At our monastery, we sing music from various Orthodox Traditions. This page is a work in progress and will include some liturgical hymns that are difficult to ...

Obit - Rev. Dr. Percell Perkins

Feb 6, 2003 ... Funeral services for Rev. Dr. Percell Perkins, 85, of Helena ... gospel quartets in gospel music history. On Jan. 21, 2002, Perkins ...

Fr. Justin's Column - St. Paul of the Cross Monastery

... church Music Minister and does a wonderful job at the organ and piano. ... On Palm Sunday, we wave branches for our King and then kneel during the Gospel as he ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Mission

As we heard in the Gospel, Jesus says: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to remain with you forever” (Jn 14:16). It is the Paraclete ...

Funeral Arrangements and Story Regarding Rex Nelon

Jan 26, 2000 ... Rex was one of the most respected men in Southern Gospel Music, and his many years of service as Christian, a performer, a businessman, and an

Music Page - The Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration

At our monastery, we sing music from various Orthodox Traditions. This page is a work in progress and will include some liturgical hymns that are difficult to ...

Obit - Rev. Dr. Percell Perkins

Feb 6, 2003 ... Funeral services for Rev. Dr. Percell Perkins, 85, of Helena ... gospel quartets in gospel music history. On Jan. 21, 2002, Perkins ...

JRFL - A Mother's Words

I will always remember how Father Vince described him in his homily at Johnny's funeral ... singing songs that praise God at church. I told her also, that ...

Miscellaneous Lanza-related comments/questions

... gospel truth" about her father. This makes sense. I recently watched, on YouTube, an interview with Lon Chaney, Jr. regarding his famous father Lon Chaney, Sr.

Dan Mohler - Notes - Stories

... Jesus - song @ 213:40. Familiar spirits - son can't breathe - second time - My daddy knows Jesus @ 138:31/146:45/207:09. Not every thought is yours - cursing ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 35

The song connects you with revelation, with truth, with Father's love. 49:30 ... 1:46:35 - Funeral for the widow's son - To Jesus it was the natural ...

St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church - Reflections

We enter the coming week with the funeral for Father John Cuffe; details are included in the notices. I understand the sadness that Fr John's death has ...


Tower of Power) and in particular, the gospel saxophonist Vernard Johnson. He was born Autry DeWalt II in Blytheville, Arkansas on Sunday June 14th, 1931 (not ...