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Basement slab weeping/leaking through bottom plate screw holes

that is already in place then the concenr would be that the water table is simply coming up under your basement floor. Have you ever had any water problems ...

Bricks under the furnace?

tons of gravel, concrete, supplies and backhoe contractor. all to fix a wet basement that within months was wet again:( water percolating up thru floor:( then ...

How to cover a basement drain

A basement floor drain is 6" across but sits 8" below the surface of the ... >maintenance, but generally it will be unused. > Most water leaks end up in the ...

Strange concrete floor problem...

reinforcement in the concrete. The void could be as a result of a serious water leak a long time ago or ... I'm looking under the floor I'm wondering if it's ...

Painting Basement Concrete Floor...Safety Question

Nov 22, 1997 ... The furnace and gas water heater are running all the time now and I was wondering if there could be a safety concern with igniting paint fumes.

How long does concrete take to dry?

Dec 27, 2009 ... concrete. You may have a leak in the new drain or perhaps surface water ingress from outdoors along the run of the trench. Give it a couple ...

cement laundry sink leaks at drain

eat-off-it clean cement floor in my laundry room, which makes me happy. As a ... of the slab, it was all running under the tiles to the corner under the

Which to build first? Walls or floors?

Jun 4, 2008 ... > to build the walls first, then the subfloor. What are your plans for a subfloor over the concrete slab? ... If there is a water leak large ...

I Love Chinese Repairmen!

Sep 30, 2014 ... The floor of my bathroom in Shenzhen after the repairman left for the day. In Shenzhen, the hot water faucet for my shower sprung a small leak.

questions on digging for sump pit in basement

Jan 18, 2011 ... Maybe there are enough gaps under the basement floor that water will reach the sump without rising to floor level - need a bit of luck. As ...

Sealing a shed to a concrete base

But then one single leak would provide a well of water in which my shed could happily rot. So instead I thought I would cut the vinyl flush with the shed ...

removing paint from concrete block wall

walls the water can and will come up thru the floor. my moms house had a wet ... concrete can crack, and water leaks at cracks... give any basement

How to make a speedbump-like concrete dam?

Oct 14, 2011 ... It will crack under pressure and water will leak through the cracks ... thick permanent goop to put under it to seal the gap between the floor

Rotting wood under bathroom tile

mentioned that the new stuff is water-based, and probably not as good. >Ideally, the oak floor would have had a membrane, then cement board, then >tile. If I ...

Digging up parquet and concrete for central heating pipes?

> As to the concrete under the floor - you are either going to have to break > ... 1970's house with bitumen stuck down parquet floor with (leaking central ...

New Water Heater equals Air in Lines?

... the water heater off the concrete floor with insulation. > > His theory was current flowing from the element to the floor through the water. A concrete ...

Pella door leaks

Feb 14, 2014 ... ... the same leakage problem but don't realize it because the water is leaking in under the finished floor and is not visible from above. After ...

Concrete pond repair

the water level a depth of only sixteen inches or less. This weekend is repair time. We are expecting to clean out the crack (or cracks) in the bottom of the ...

Removing dishwasher when Laminate Flooring runs right up to it

>> sits on the concrete and the laminate flooring in the kitchen runs >> ... lift it over the edge. I shimmed up the floor under the counter with wood ...

How to stop entry door leaks?

this afternoon to see if that will help. By the way, the water seeps in under the door sill on the subfloor. If you already have a finished floor installed, you ...