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After adding Cat urine can be found that the cat waste material that only with Perfume oil treated was unsatisfactorily reduced the bad smell of cat urine ...

US7407922B2 - Deodorizing compositions - Google Patents

A deodorizing composition comprising an effective amount of an inorganic salt, at least one odor-counteracting material, and an optional additive is provided.

EP1239890A2 - Odor neutralizers - Google Patents

The microencapsulation of the odor neutrahzers can, for example, be carried out ... After adding cat's urine, it is found that the cat litter material treated ...

US20080003194A1 - Use of gum arabic and/or modified gum arabic ...

In contrast to a masking or chemical reaction material, some odor absorbing materials eliminate a broad spectrum of malodorous molecules. ... cat urine odor (500 ...

US20140245968A1 - Cat-Repellent Compositions and Method of ...

Sep 4, 2014 ... Urine marking is a natural behavior for a cat, and is not done out of spite or anger. Cats, especially male cats, instead use spraying, as well ...

Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday! - creative jewish mom

Apr 8, 2017 ... HOW TO REMOVE CAT URINE SMELL NATURALLY · 43. Washi Tape Easter Banner · 44. Mini Succulent Planters · 45. Farmhouse Mudroom Update · 46. EASY ...

Carpet smells after steam-clean

It was fine prior to the cleaning but now it smells like cat pee! My father-in-law suspects the foam underneath the carpet is disintegrating (aided by the ...

US7199093B2 - Liquid composition for removal of odors and ...

The composition, which includes an antimicrobial agent, an enzyme inhibitor, and an odor-reacting compound, can be used by a consumer to remove contaminants ...

Altrenative Litter Materials

cycles I run the Cat genie there's that odd smell. In the mean time I ... cat jumps in and out. And if you have a cat like one of ours, who prefers to ...

US5395555A - Cleaning composition for animal urine removal ...

... cats) in conjunction with substantially removing the odors associated with such stains. ... CA2434474C 2011-05-03 Wipe for removing stains from fabrics and ...

Elena's Threads - Washing with Urine

Right: After 72 hours the lanolin had washed out into the urine, creating a thick, opaque liquid. ... Once the water ran clear and the smell had mostly ...

WO2014137350A1 - Citrate salts for eliminating odors - Google ...

Sep 12, 2014 ... ... removing strong offensive odors from clothing. However, a ... cat litter to eliminate the odor associated with urine. Table 5 ...

'I Can Taste Names, Some Are Delicious' - Newsweek

Nov 8, 2022 ... ... out on the register, I shouted: "That tastes like Smarties!" I have a ... To me, that name smells like urine, so when she came in and ...

How to remove the smell from a closet in which used cat litter was ...

Sep 9, 2007 ... Two things work pretty well to absorb odor in a closed area, such as your closet. First, separate clothing in the closet (don't remove them) as much as ...

how do I clean urine stain on underside of plastic toilet seat?

wait a few minutes, rinse (water spray again) and mop dry. Rinse out your cloth and the brush, or lye will attack it. ... remove dried cat pee stains from a ...

Getting rid of body odor on guitar

wipe/buff it off with a fresh clean cloth or paper towel ....juts like a ... Sometime books are returned smelling of cat urine and cigarette smoke. Her ...

US6284232B1 - Odor reducing compositions - Google Patents

... clothing to remove the offending odor. Such trays, bags or containers may be made of ... EXAMPLE 1 Removal of Cat Urine. A mixture of clinoptilolite and ...

EP0730630A1 - Cleaning composition for animal urine removal ...

... cats) in conjunction with substantially removing the odors associated with such stains. ... CA2434474C 2011-05-03 Wipe for removing stains from fabrics and ...

Raccoon Urine! Junk or clean?

Fabreeze stuff, that is supposed to eliminate odors on clothes, and I hosed ... show up (at least on cat piss they do) and then put the urine stuff on the

Febreze and cat urine smell

urine out, will only cover it slightly for a while. Also, avoid ... Febreeze to get rid of the smell but it did work on the clothing. The travel ...