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Deeper than the stain has gone

Jun 9, 2016 ... The footnote might reveal when the hymn was written, but, alas, it is not one of the pages available on Google preview. His glories sing,.

What ever happened to Hymn no. 102?

May 4, 1997 ... the arrangements of the retained hymns were altered. In almost ... other? What tune was written as a partriotic hymn but is now best known

History - Hymns Old & New - An Unofficial Compendium

This type was sung in unison, in one of eight church modes, and most often by monastic choirs. While they were written originally in Latin, many have been ...

Mrs. J. M. Hunter, hymn writer. Two questions.

The hymn used by Allen is well documented, but I have been unable to locate the one Faust used. The first stanza and chorus are: God's Unchanging Hand. Thro' a ...

Origins and complete words to hymn quoted above. - Google Answers

Jul 22, 2003 ... Is it from England, long ago, when English devotional songs were so personal, or is it true Canadian? ... written in 1881 by Charles William Fry, ...

Be Still, My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved ...

Jan 17, 2014 ... Many of these hymns were written out of incredible life experiences—from the heart cry of a repentant slave trader to the renewed hope of a ...

Scales used in Renaissance music

... hymns were mostly awful, and the ... >> tunes. > >How many of them were? Surely most of the hymn tunes of Luther's time >were written specifically as religious ...

Tunes with secular origins

... Christian Songs, written by Mr. John Glas, and Others (7th ed., Providence ... was a library book. But the recommended tunes that I mentioned, in a ...


Those ridiculious fucking hymns that I'll never forget. Dad had been a different person for a year or so, and it had changed mom, too. But not for the better.

Bergen Lutheran in Iowa - Music

The hymn book was always one of the most treasured of belongings brought from the mother country by the immigrant. Wherever religious gatherings were held, ...

The Song of Dath Ilan

A lot of past hymns were written as texts to music taken from either other ... Turns out, writing rational themes into music that is compelling is more difficult ...

Hymns Old & New - An Unofficial Compendium

Edward Cooney Hymns provides a transcription of hymns written by Eddie Cooney that were published in the Go Preachers Hymn Book 1909. He also wrote nos 179 ...


We have the so-called Golden Tablets, little prayers written on thin sheets of gold which were buried in the graves of mystics. ... hymns, depending on the hymn.

Hymn question - "God of the Sparrow"

Oct 10, 1996 ... I guess I was suprised because at our last church it was a hymn we did often, and ... Also when was it written? Thanks. Valerie Keebler.

Texts in the Sacred Harp tradition

they were singing them from hymn books in their churches. On Apr 25, 8:58 am ... I don't mean hymns already in the book, but new tunes being written.

'Irish' tunes in the Sacred Harp

tune it was used for several other ballads and hymns, including the ... They were written by an Englishman name Frederic Edward Weatherly in 1910 ...

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

National Anthem, which, IIRC, was written as a patriotic song by. Haydn, it ... hymns as "I vow to thee my country" (we miss out the politically

Society Hymns

... Hymns and Spiritual Songs (1707?), but from his later 1724 Sermons,. especially for this detail: The sermon he wrote this hymn for was about the text of I Cor.

Rita Connolly, "The Deer's Cry"

songs were written to well known hymn music. Deliberately. When unemployed ... One popular way of passing time there was "sings," where popular hymns

William Cowper's Olney Hymns - William Cowper - Google Books

Jul 13, 2017 ... These hymns were written in Olney, England and were originally published in 1779. This collection includes William Cowper's 68 Olney hymns, ...