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How the extinction of ice age mammals may have forced us to invent ...

Jan 4, 2020 ... Why did we take so long to invent civilisation? Modern Homo sapiens first evolved roughly 250000 to 350000 years ago.

From Sahelanthropus to Homo sapiens: What Did our Predecessors ...

15 different hominid species illustrate our prolific evolution, and what an evolution! From Toumai the Sahelanthropus tchadensis to our species, Homo sapiens – ...

Modern humans inherited viral defenses from N | EurekAlert!

Oct 4, 2018 ... "Neanderthal genes likely gave us some protection against viruses that our ancestors encountered when they left Africa." When first contact ...

Evolution of Humanity, the Great March Forward — Google Arts ...

ergaster, as an early human who was tall with long legs and short arms, basically had a body of similar proportions to those of modern humans. In particular, ...

Human Cultural Evolution — Google Arts & Culture

Once scientists discover how long it takes for a layer to form they can make ... Long term drought could have forced early humans to become more ...

Human Evolution - Physiological — Google Arts & Culture

About 50,000 years ago something changed and Homo sapiens started migrating in earnest. The first wave of modern humans traveled as far as Australia and ...

‪Julia Galway-Witham‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

How did Homo sapiens evolve? J Galway-Witham, C Stringer. Science 360 (6395), 1296-1298, 2018. 89, 2018. When did modern humans leave Africa? C Stringer, J ...

How Kenya Became the Cradle of Humankind — Google Arts ...

... modern humans, with long legs adapted to walking and running over long distances. ... These discoveries were important for understanding the evolutionary history ...

Inventing the Wheel: How Getting Around Got Easier — Google Arts ...

The ancient potter's wheel, the first car, rubberized 1950s luxury... Discover how the evolution of the wheel has changed the way we move.

Plague Inc. - Apps on Google Play

Dec 11, 2024 ... Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation.

‪Barbara Fischer‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Sex differences in the pelvis did not evolve de novo in modern humans. B Fischer, NDS Grunstra, E Zaffarini, P Mitteroecker. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (5), ...

Homo Evolution: Human Origins - Apps on Google Play

Create your own little world and drive on human evolution. Merge two people and get a new, more modern life form populating the planet with different ...

Symbols and Language

How does our capacity for symbolic thinking and communication compare to the abilities of other animals? When in our evolutionary history did those traits ...

Meet Lucy: The Famous Early Human — Google Arts & Culture

Modern humans had yet to evolve, but across the plains of Africa, many species of apes were beginning to master walking and stone tools. 'Lucy' was one of ...

Revealing the Lives of Ancient Britons — Google Arts & Culture

... modern average. While a range of different human species evolved before modern humans, H. heidelbergensis may be the common ancestor to modern humans, Homo ...

‪Michael Petraglia‬ - ‪Google 학술 검색‬

Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (8), 582-594, 2018. 472, 2018. On the origin of modern humans: Asian perspectives. CJ Bae, K Douka, MD Petraglia. science 358 ...

The largest mammals have always been at the greatest risk of ...

May 9, 2022 ... Humans hunted many of the world's large mammals to ... Long-term patterns of body mass and stature evolution within the hominin lineage.

A Game of Thrones - How Chess Conquered the World — Google ...

... long history. ... The original Indo-Arabic game changed in some ways with changes in the moves in the 15th century and this is when the modern version evolved.

The Evolution of Sunglasses — Google Arts & Culture

We take a look at how they came into being... Snow goggles: the first sunglasses. The earliest known use of glasses to protect eyes from the sun was the Inuit ...

Kenya: Cradle of Humankind — Google Arts & Culture

Kenya is recognized by palaeontologists globally as a hotbed of archaeological discoveries contributing to the story of human evolution.