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Life expectancy of alloy wheel rim.

Obviously life expectancy of alloy rims depends on use and various factors - but with steel ... But it did seem to not last very long.. 0 new messages.

Do VW steel wheels or alloy wheels weigh more?

with 16 inch alloy RAVE wheels. Will the new alloy wheels be heavier or lighter weight? I asked the VW dealer last week and the 2 guys there argued about it and ...

Mavic X517 rims - cracking problems

about using anodized rims when I had my last two wheelsets made up; one by ... stress on my wheels, yet spokes seem to fail long before the rims do (though ...

Lightweight wheels question: J bend vs straight pull (Ritchey vs Hunt)

Jan 16, 2023 ... As far as pre-built, lightweight alloy wheelsets are concerned, I'm currently looking at 3: Pacenti brevet, Ritchey Zeta II classic, and Hunt ...

Wheels on Port-a-bell cases

For those of you that have replaced wheels, did you replace just the wheel ... wheels, two of them within the past year. I have used black luggage wheels ...

Blistering on alloy wheels, how to prevent

Regular cleaning should make them last a bit longer, some makes of wheels seem to last longer than others, ford alloys last better than Toyota ones for ...

Mavic MA-40 - Piece of Crap?

How long do they wear? Can you unbend a flat spot and rebuild without a ... Does anodizing significantly weaken aluminum parts like rims, > handlebars ...

trailer wheels won't turn

Should I change my '10 reasons' to switch list my into '11 reasons' to switch to electric brakes list? Nah, long term mechanical reliability is already ...

CX500Gl500 - How to polish Aluminum

I use the treated type for the aggressive first stage and the loose wheels for the final stage. I did a Google search for these supplies, and came up with a ...

[GMCnet] Are Alcoa wheels clear coated?

Oct 7, 2011 ... He said the top price for noncoated wheels is around $100 per wheel. Does it take that much time for a professional to polish them? I am not ...

Pacenti rims vs tires

Last year a friend gave me a vintage Guerciotti. The tires on the wheels were so tight I had to cut through the bead with cable cutters to get them off. To ...

Alloy wheel product titles best practice - Google Ads Community

Nov 23, 2021 ... permanent suspension from the program, at any time. Last edited Nov 23, 2021 ... If this isn't allowed, then how do I indicate to customers what ...

Plain, Anodized or ceramic coated rims???

Mar 28, 1999 ... cannot dissipate as it should by conduction into the aluminum rim that ... Other than that the brake pads on my bike with ceramic rims last much ...

Experience with Velocity Aileron rims? Decisions to be made...

... should last approximately forever in normal use. (I'd not worry about your weight; bicycle wheels are much more stout than they're rated for as long as you ...

Happy Wheels - Apps on Google Play

Happy Wheels is a side-scrolling, physics-based, obstacle course game with over a billion plays online and is now available for your mobile devices.

Spoke guidance on 650b wheelset build

- 36 hole wheels front and rear should make for a very sturdy set of wheels. ... I recommend going light, the wheel will be more resilient and maybe even last ...

Wheel advice-Campagnolo compatible

criticism of Velocity is that the braking surfaces don't last as long as I ... Compared to the OP's, that'a a minor quibble. As far as manufactured wheels in ...

Spokes/nipples, etc. for CXP33/Chris King wheels

if you want light, you want open pro's, not cxp33's. 2. if you want better hub flange spacing, [and you do for stability/strength/more even spoke tension ratio] ...


I asked Pete of Foundeo this question some days ago, but I could see that it only works with the latest versions of wheels, does not work with version 1.0.6 and ...