About 1,355,441 results (3,336 milliseconds)

Transactions overview | Spanner | Google Cloud

Read-only transactions do not need to be committed and do not take locks. ... ExecuteQuery(read_only, select); std::cout << "Read 1 results\n"; for (auto ...

Polio's Back; Annual PSA Screening for Black Men; New STD Toolkit

What to Do About Polio; Annual PSA Screening Important for Black Men; AMA's New STD Testing Toolkit. Medscape Staff. August 17, 2022. 1. What to Do About ...

Compare Google Workspace editions - Enterprise - Google ...

Take action based on search results · Automate security threat response with ... * Feature is unavailable to customers who have email-verified accounts. ↑ back to ...

Insert, update, and delete data using data manipulation language ...

Call the client library method for query execution and pass in the returning DML statement to obtain results. ... has_value()) { std::cout << *std::get<0>(*row); } ...

Working with STRUCT objects | Spanner | Google Cloud

Returning STRUCT objects in SQL query results; Using STRUCT objects as bound ... dml_result) return std::move(dml_result).status(); rows_modified ...

Secondary indexes | Spanner | Google Cloud

Index creation can take from several minutes to many hours. Because index creation is a schema update, it is bound by the same performance constraints as any ...

Get realtime updates with Cloud Firestore | Firebase

... get() to listen to the results of a query. This creates a query snapshot ... back() << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Listen failed: " << error ...

Create Firebase Remote Config Experiments with A/B Testing ...

... results look like for the users who have participated in your experiment so far. ... While A/B Testing does not have a separate BigQuery table, experiment and ...

Firebase | Google's Mobile and Web App Development Platform

Firebase is back at Cloud Next on April 9 - 11. Register now. Make your app the best it can be with Firebase and generative AI. Build & run modern, AI ...

Reads outside of transactions | Spanner | Google Cloud

Spanner supports single read methods (that is, a read outside the context of a transaction) on a database for: Executing the read as a SQL query statement or ...

Reads outside of transactions | Spanner | Google Cloud

Spanner supports single read methods (that is, a read outside the context of a transaction) on a database for: Executing the read as a SQL query statement or ...

Use and lock retention policies | Cloud Storage | Google Cloud

... does not have a retention policy set.\n"; return; } std::cout << "The bucket ... `); return results; } } removeRetentionPolicy().catch(console.error);.

Delete and undelete service accounts | IAM Documentation | Google ...

... find the numeric ID in the Unique ID field of the Log fields pane. If the search results show more than one log, do the following: Find the correct log entry.

Share your form with collaborators - Google Docs Editors Help

Click Send. Important: Once you've shared a form with a collaborator, they'll have access to any linked spreadsheet of responses. If you want ...

Troubleshoot with request tags and transaction tags | Spanner ...

Let's take the following data as an example of the results we get back from our query. ... update) return std::move(update).status(); spanner::SqlStatement ...

Download objects | Cloud Storage | Google Cloud

Required roles. In order to get the required permissions for downloading objects, ask your administrator to grant you the Storage Object Viewer ( roles/ ...

Getting started with Spanner in C++ | Google Cloud

This tutorial walks you through the following steps using the Spanner client library for C++. Costs This tutorial uses Spanner, which is a billable component ...

Explore the Google Cloud console | BigQuery

To view the resources in your projects and datasets, do the following: To view the datasets that you have access to in a project, expand the project. To view ...

Grade and return question answers - Computer - Classroom Help

This article is for teachers. If you want to work with quizzes in Google Forms, go to Create a quiz assignment instead. Before you start grading questions, ...

List objects | Cloud Storage | Google Cloud

On this page · Before you begin · List the objects in a bucket · Filtering objects · Performance considerations when listing objects · What's next.