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Was Lanza an Opera Singer?

And as far as point #1 is concerned -- again, who's to say that the singing of opera has to take place in an opera house? Why should Lanza's two performances as ...

Myths about Mario Lanza

... singer to read well. It may be convenient for him to be able to learn new music quickly, but how long he takes to learn it in private is his own affair. The ...

Successful singers with no formal music education

days are long gone when one could get by with learning the words by rote! ... opera/leider singers that > > suddenly leap onto the stage from other ...

Opera singers who worked with Lanza or heard him sing live — and ...

But I would say that the conversation did take place, and that it ... could to learn a lot, singing scales and practiing solfeggio. Another pupil ...

The Difference Between Musicality and Musicianship

Nor do they care how long it has taken them to learn it. The next step will ... did his worst-ever operatic singing on the Coke Shows. Even on the RCA ...

Mario Lanza: An Overview -- a radio programme by Henry Fogel

... learn and sing operatic roles. (Lanza did learn roles -- seven of them, in fact, -- and in my view it was insecurity, rather than a lack of self-discipline ...

Lunch with Olivia Stapp

learn that these great singers would be performing this opera at the City Opera ... company, and she was kind enough to take me to lunch and we had a lovely

Did Mario Lanza have enough voice training?

successful than the operatic material. But as Licia Albanese noted many years later, the only thing Lanza needed was coaching. He had a fantastic retentive ear ...

Another Tantalizing Operatic What-Might-Have-Been?

I don't accept for a second, for example, that Mario would have had to learn a minimum of twelve operatic roles in order to sing at La Scala. Hopper's claim ...

Special Trash Talk: Frank Zappa and Opera Chorus. Really ...

May 23, 2020 ... Good technique is a plus, but most amateur choirs are made up of, well, amateurs. In opera chorus singing, you sing with your full voice ...

Can Pavarotti read music?

Pavarotti is not the only operasinger in history who is a non-music reader. ... Before long, I could learn music quite easily this way. Many observers ...

Do I sound pompous and disingenuous? : r/singing

Oct 27, 2019 ... https://soundcloud.com/winterrye/cave-paintings-10-dr-manns-102519-1115-am For context, I've only just started vocal training about a month ...

Quote re: Pavarotti

Pavarotti is a novices' hero who has never bothered to learn another language other than his own to sing. You would never catch him singing German lieder.

excessive vibrato in older women's voices

the "in" way to sing, and they've been singing that way so long that they probably would not be able to learn a different style now. Some may not be willing ...

June Anderson's Anna Bolena

> score which you cannot do, you have no business singing that opera". I'd ... All it takes is money - assuming there are singers out there who can meet

Gregorian Pi - Singing of a Constant | Google Cloud Blog

Nov 16, 2022 ... A machine learning model trained on opera singers, where you can interactively create songs and have the blobs harmonize to your input.

Ms. Day

My child would like to take voice lessons, who do ... could lead to long term vocal damage. As someone who has had training as both an opera singer and as a music ...

my most overrated opera singer of all time!!

understand how the was allowed to sing so long... Milnes, like Leontyne ... particular opera, ed would accept it without comment, but if said customer ...

Joseph Calleja

... do feel he's one of the best opera singers around today. And I feel very ... Anyone who suggests that he did not have the full operatic training from ...

WILLIAM TELL: is it an overrated opera?

is hardly unique to Rossini). Aida is a melodrama with immediate appeal and great, soaring music. Tell is an epic with different objectives and a different ...