About 1,743,535 results (3,156 milliseconds)

Is there a setting that will show me how many pages are left in the ...

Jun 9, 2024 ... In the Google Play Books app for Android it shows at the bottom of the screen how many pages are left in the chapter, and the same information are available ...

How to Write A Real-Page Turner, Part 3 - Fiction University

Aug 6, 2019 ... Many other popular books have chapters under ten pages. The overall ... average person (adult or child) is a mere eight second. Eight ...

On-Call Rotations: A Comprehensive Guide - Google SRE

On-call is a large and complex topic, saddled with many constraints and a limited margin for trial and error. Chapter 11 of our first book (Site Reliability ...

Defining slo: service level objective meaning - Google SRE

We generally prefer to work with percentiles rather than the mean (arithmetic average) of a set of values. Doing so makes it possible to consider the long tail ...

Prometheus Alerting: Turn SLOs into Alerts - Google SRE

How long it takes to send notifications in various conditions. Long ... Chapter 4 in our first book). With an SLO of 99.9% over a time window of 30 ...

Google SRE monitoring ditributed system - sre golden signals

This chapter offers guidelines for what issues should interrupt a human via a page ... Many of the pages were non-urgent, due to well-understood problems in the ...

I started writing my book and I can't figure out how to start a chapter ...

Jun 10, 2020 ... I read that the doc is automatically saved after searching for a save button. But I don't want to write a long doc as my book! Thank you.

What is Toil in SRE: Understanding Its Impact - Google SRE

The definition of normal changes as your systems grow. Carla Geisser, Google SRE. In SRE, we want to spend time on long-term engineering project work instead of ...

Chapter 2 - Implementing SLOs

In order to capture both the typical user experience and the long tail, we also recommend using multiple grades of SLOs for some types of SLIs. For example, if ...

On Call Engineer Best Practices for IT Services - Google SRE

This section describes the typical activities of an on-call engineer and provides some background for the rest of the chapter. As the guardians of production ...

Why won't the outline headings work? - Google Docs Editors ...

Nov 8, 2022 ... - Heading 1 style for each chapter. - Heading ... The document is about 100,000 words - average for a book, but pretty long for a Word doc.

Headers and Footers - Google Docs Editors Community

Mar 15, 2019 ... However, when I add a header for chapter two, for example, which is about five pages deep in the document, that header copies on all pages. I ...

Bookmory - reading tracker - Apps on Google Play

Bookmory helps you track your reading, manage your books, build a lasting reading habit, and better remember what you read. Add books, e-books or audiobooks ...

Percent read not appearing - Google Play Community

Feb 18, 2024 ... Does the percent read show up here https://play.google.com/books when reading the book using a computer? ... pages I have read/how much pages left ...

The Tiger Rising - Kate DiCamillo - Google Books

Sep 8, 2009 ... First Page. 1. Chapter 2. 5. Chapter 3. 8. Chapter 4. 11. Chapter 5. 14. Chapter 6. 18. Chapter 7. 22. Chapter 8. 26. Chapter 19. 71. Chapter 20.

Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul - Google Books

Apr 17, 2011 ... Selected pages. Title Page · Table of Contents. Contents. Chapter 1 Wild at Heart. 1. Chapter 2 The Wild One Whose Image We Bear.

Chapter 19 of "The Yii Book" on the Horizon | Larry Ullman

Dec 31, 2013 ... Chapter 19, “Extending Yii,” is around 30 pages long it looks like. I start by covering the fundamental concepts, such as general guidelines ...

How do I make chapters in Google Docs? - Google Docs Editors ...

Apr 20, 2021 ... ... book. It was available on every page and it was gray. It is hard to ... much easier if I could just click on somethings to get ...

Probability of opening to a page in a book - Google Answers

Jul 19, 2005 ... ... average person would first see only one page). Regarding the ... book or evaluating too much. Then, I had him hold the book in front ...

Book Review: Drush for Developers (Second Edition) | DrupalEasy

Mar 24, 2015 ... It doesn't lay the groundwork like a guide for newbies, it takes your average Drush user and "levels them up." Granted, the first chapter has ...