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Tu-160s payload.

>16,300 kg of free fall or laser guided bombs? B-1B has a much lower RCS than Blackjack and Blackjack can't carry 24 ... aircraft people more than $.35 an ...

Why don't pilot's wear crash helmets?

thus more exposure, and more need for protection. Many people feel that only an idiot or moron would even take flight in a ga plane. And you can't change their ...

How do you like your PW-5

than many people think. It is not a hot racing machine, but it is a great ... Much of this flying has been cross-country or competition flying, and I ...

On-Site Training FAQ (English) - Provo Missionary Training Center

Carry-ons vary from airline to airline and usually can weigh up to 35 pounds and must be under 45 inches total. There is usually no charge for the carry-on.

Airline Commander: Flight Game - Apps on Google Play

Meet the flight simulator of the next generation. Take off, fly to the airport in the city nearby & land. Build & manage an aircraft fleet.

Airlander 10: World's Largest Aircraft — Google Arts & Culture

Airlander 10 can also fly for up to 5 days at a time and has a much lower carbon footprint than other types of air transport. Let's see how it works! Tap to ...

Rock River Aero Modelers - Members

My biggest fear was the plane never getting off the ... Like many will tell you, just hanging out with others at the field is as much fun as the flying.

How dangerous is soaring?

concern, followed by as much safety as we can reasonably fit in. Ian. raulb's ... think is my biggest risk currently--being hit by a power plane in the

Is 5 People in a Cessna 172 okay/legal?

you can carry a child on an airliner without an assigned seat. ... 172 is a four passenger airplane. ... pass, two rear infants, and infant in luggage compartment ...

Need info on Bic Veloce 298 and/or/vs Fanatic Gecko 298

... can carry as big a sail as you can handle. TCSadt's profile photo ... The Xantos is much faster to plane, much better at maintaining a plane, and ...

Mythbusters Explosive Decompression Experiment

the fuselage, there was no "siphon" effect that would carry people or ... How many people on that flight died? Andrew Rowley's profile photo. Andrew ...

Battleships VS. Aircraft Carriers

for speed, range and offensive capacity -- by carrying more planes. The British carriers were more heavily armored because they were designed for wars closer to ...

To Europe and Back Again - Go Curry Cracker!

Mar 13, 2017 ... Our flights to Europe are probably the biggest award travel score that I've pulled off. There is only 1 direct flight from Taipei to Paris, on ...

What to Pack in your Carry-on Bag for a Long Flight – City Cookie

... flight. Airplanes are often very cold so I'll bring a the biggest scarf I can find and some warm layers with me too. [amazon_link asins='B076CYSY1Q ...

Lets talk NAPALM

Just because is can be carried doesn't mean the aircraft is CERTIFIED to ... I'm sure many people would volunteer. : Yes, it's the loss of a priceless ...

Warning!! Unpopular opinions ahead!! : r/RocketLeagueEsports

Feb 28, 2021 ... He does score a few goals a game I'll grant you that but that is really because Atomik and mist set him up so much and hold down the defense so ...

My Biggest Retirement Fear - Can I Retire Yet?

Jun 3, 2019 ... My Forester needed two new engine seals. Altogether, the bills amounted to thousands of dollars. So much for our frugal retirement budget that ...

Homeless Pets From Hurricane Ian Travel to New York on Rare ...

Oct 6, 2022 ... ... capacity to look after them. Despite this flight being the biggest of the hurricane so far, it's not the first. The BISSELL Pet Foundation ...

The Future ?

This is because so many of the people who've made it happen in the last ten ... People flying XC, especially younger XC pilots show aspiring pilots ...