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How many pounds lift does a gallon of air have ??

Jan 26, 1998 ... A gallon of air displaces about 8 lbs of water. Therefore, a gallon container filled with air should give you about 8 lbs of lift.

How to truck 1,000 gallons of potable water to a residence

far is the haul? Still likely a cost-saver. Iff'en one really looked, one could likely find a used goosneck for not terribly more than a ...

How much would a 55 gallon metal drum filled with lead

Jan 23, 2013 ... - so my guess would be rougly 2 tons. - likely just a bit shy.

Carbon content of fossil fuels and dinosaurs - Google Answers

Apr 25, 2002 ... How many tyrannosaurs in a gallon of gasoline? While I suppose that most of the carbon in America's favorite fossil fuel is botanical in ...

5 Gallons of Pennies.

It took 25 years and now my 5 gallon water cooler bottle is full. It seemed like a fun idea back then. Anyone know approximatly how many

Fuel consumption on 54-60' boats

450 econo- 1350 wide open. This is based on a general rule of thumb of 1 gallon per day per horsepower ... Even if that metering is just recording how much fuel ...

How many gallons of water for average bath tub filling?

Mar 1, 2003 ... @news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net... > For an average size bathtub does anyone know how many gallons of water it > takes to fill it? Why go the average ...

How much does 1 gallon of fuel weigh?

Feb 3, 1998 ... 34 US Gallons (205lbs) I was using a figure of 8.44lbs/gallon, but the above figures to 6.02lbs/gallon.

How much dried yeast per gallon?

Sep 11, 2018 ... I ferment quite a lot of small 4,5L batches, and I find 0,5-0,75g perfectly enough. Not sure what is your intention with the opened containers?

Looking to get into nano tank. Thoughts? : r/ReefTank

Mar 11, 2019 ... How often would you say I'd have to do water changes etc etc. Depends on your bioload and the number and types of corals you keep. Coukd be ...

K-meta powder potency?

So, I'm assuming that this would be 50-150ppm in 6 gallons? Not very helpful, and potentially much more concentrated than campden tablets. Since there is no ...

Ripped off at Sherwin WIlliams

method of increasing prices and hoping that the consumer does not notice. How often do you check the milk container to see if it is still a quart or half gallon ...

Does a 1,000 gallon propane tank get special paint (any ideas on a ...

Jul 10, 2010 ... to 20 square feet. I don't know how many square feet are on a 1,000 gallon propane tank though. Van Sickle propane tank brush paint https:// ...

My 75 gallon garage shrimp tank progress. My buddy gave me a ...

Jul 19, 2021 ... Not too much. Too much burns the plant. (Maybe youre over dosing now? Do a test to check fert levels. If high do a water change). Shrimps ...

Mattatuck Madness Maple Syrup - Homemade Reverse Osmosis

... is ideal for anyone who collects 150 gallons or less of sap per day. The total cost for this system ranges from 300-450 dollars depending on how many parts ...

Electric Car FAQ - How Efficient Is The Tesla Model Y

The model Y has a 74-kilowatt hour battery which is equivalent to about 2.2 gallons of gasoline, and actual energy potential.

Transporting 20 gallons of gas in your trunk and storing in your back ...

Jul 21, 2010 ... > Is it illegal to trasnsport more than 5 gallons (California) in a car? Yes it is dangerous to keep that much gasoline stored in ...

Cider Loss After Debourbage and Primary Fermentation

I was wondering if someone could chime in on how much cider I should expect ... If I get 15 gallons— even better with 2x 6 gallons and 1x 3 gallon carboys.

Gas rebate in California likely 'before October': Assembly leader ...

Jun 21, 2022 ... ... much as 30 cents per gallon of gas. Nearly three years later, “the ... But the battle for the seat's full term is far from over: The ...

Help with lighting in a 10 gallon reef : r/ReefTank

Aug 20, 2020 ... Radion xr15B blue is what I would want to use but it's likely too much light. Look at the new Redsea ReefLED 50 would be perfect for a 10g.