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The most-challenging year to retire in recent history

Sep 21, 2022 ... = $19,165.50 / y. The Age Pension + deemed income for a home owner couple with $419,000 Assessable Assets is: = ... How much do you need to retire ...

NZ Pension Protest - The big bangs for Kiwis

Nov 25, 2021 ... In their brochure Retired and going overseas it was described as follows: "If you plan to live in Australia for more than 26 weeks and want ...

Best places for a soaring pilot to retire?

I am not sure how you would adopt to any of these places. You should read some periodicals on retiring abroad before you spend too much time thinking about it.

inheritance problem : r/financialindependence

Mar 16, 2019 ... I sold off those things for cash because I am not a business owner/manager and do not want to be. Years have gone by and I have pretty much ...

Living on less than you earn | down to earth

Jul 23, 2019 ... ... much we were saving in interest. Now, looking back as a retired couple, that decision to pay off debt was probably the most important. We ...

What Do Retired People Do All Day? - TIME GOES BY

Jul 18, 2018 ... I feel no need to do anything. Deliberately without guilt. A good amount of time is always set aside for ruminating over how I'm living and ...

Good resources for would-be expats? (US citizen in ES or PT ...

Oct 4, 2020 ... Does anyone know of high quality books, websites or other resources about moving to or retiring in Spain or Portugal? Many of the websites ...

Google News - Home - For you

Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Home page" topic with Google News.

Thought on FI with a baby with a disability : r/financialindependence

Aug 2, 2020 ... In addition to an ABLE account, parents of children with disabilities should also look into a special needs trust. The additonal difficulty in ...

NZ Pension Protest - Married the wrong man

I lived there for 19 years but did not work the required number of quarters to be eligible for Social Security from the USA. When we came to live in New Zealand ...

Class of 1969 - '69 Turns 69: Virtual Birthday Party! (2016)

They have done much acting and want careers in PR, marketing or advertising. It's a different world that I could not succeed in but they will. They're ...

Uncorrected Proof

it is just a normal evening together, much like a couple living together might spend ... some couples would leave a live audio or video link on without actually ...

Fierce debate among Firstlinks' readers over 'super inequities'

Nov 30, 2022 ... It removes so much of the distortionary barriers that exist here in Australia. ... Retirement · How much do you need to retire? Australians are ...

Elmi Smit-Deurhof

... retired since 2006 and living in Hua Hin since 2013, enjoying doing pretty much exactly what they want, whenever they want. Many may not be overly familiar ...

LOOKING FOR OLD HACKS - help us find old colleagues.

We need your continued assistance tracking down more "old hacks" from Vietnam War, plus Cambodia and Laos.

The Implosion of the Retirement Contract — Crooked Timber

Feb 13, 2024 ... So much for set-up. What's peculiar about all of this is that ordinary logrolling, side-payments, and deal-making should allow politicians to ...

Bowen Class of 65 - Then and Now M-R

There is a great benefit to living in a college town and we thought about hanging around Champaign Urbana after law school, but did not want to endure the long ...

Who are you? (Group Introductions)

I wanted to branch off to do chip timing but since I don't do too much, I didn't want to spend a ton of money. ... If I can do a couple of dozen races per year ...