About 1,846,791 results (4,057 milliseconds)

Roll starting EFI car

Until the battery will not pass the test. Many automotive stores will test the battery for free(AutoZone, Western Auto do). Take you battery out once a year ...

Dead 12v battery on 2011 think

It shouldn't cost you anything. Looking at the manual, I do see in the Warnings section “To ensure safety, the vehicle must only be charged from a.

How to successfully return a car battery to WalMart

of charge, as could be tested with a battery hydrometer is impossible. ... For far too long people would steal batteries right off the shelf or out of ...

mikefocke2 - batteries

... charged before it would start the car, it is probably bad. My battery failed when I tried to start it and the result was my instrument lights blinked, I heard a ...

mikefocke2 - checkenginelightcausedbymassairflowsensor

... much less than the dealer will charge and install it yourself. Total cost ~$265-295. Any time you replace the MAF, you need to disconnect the battery for 5 ...

Toyota Hybrid 12V Battery, Ouch!

The dealer??? > > The Prius battery, which is the same battery, costs $300 at the dealer > to replace. If your dealer charges $500, ...

Car battery matching with alternator

The battery capacity is matched by the manufacturer with the alternator's charging capacity, so the replacement battery should also closely match the OEM ...

Astro-Safari-Info - Batteries

The best option is to put the battery on a charger until it's completely charged. Charging a weak/dead/dying battery with your vehicle alternator is quite hard ...

Alternator problem

enough to charge the battery on average and have the regulator take care ... that Autozone and NAPA ones do) warning you to charge the battery before ...

Midas honesty

the car was not safe to drive like that, plus repairing it would cost more ... their managers much but makes them dependent on a commission. That sort of

What's the most naive you've been in regards to a car? : r/cars

Nov 9, 2021 ... ... my 2018 Accord. Next year's costs on the Kia are going to sting (pun!). There are significant costs relative to a new car that just aren't ...

1996 gmc abs can't bleed

They get no less than what I'd do on my own vehicle. It will cost them what ... Much better unit. > The MODIS does seem like way to much to > dig out just ...

a604 Limp, Rebuilt, Sensors replaced, solenoid replaced still Limps!

> asked "How much would you charge me to put a new transmission in this ... That's an OBD-1 scanner. Autozone does not sell these because when new they cost $2K ...

1963 Avanti voltage regulator?

Conclusion? Avanti needs a different charging system. Looks like a GM one wire is the contender. I cant bring myself to spend 90 dollars for a voltage ...

US9496720B2 - System for automatically gathering battery ...

where I is the AC charging current and V is the AC charging voltage across battery 200. ... vehicle with battery charge control relative to a driving route.

US11584243B2 - Jump starting device with USB - Google Patents

If the car battery is connected in reverse, the internal lithium battery power shall never be switched to the vehicle battery connect port. USB charge circuit ...

US20120182132A1 - System for automatically gathering battery ...

where I is the AC charging current and V is the AC charging voltage across battery 200. ... Charge control system for a vehicle battery. US6906522B2 2002-03-29 ...

AITA for being a "Karen" about my car being "fixed"? : r/AmItheAsshole

Aug 4, 2019 ... Yeah, when the auto place tried to charge me $250 for replacing just my ... Rotors are not that hard to flip so idk what the dude did to mess your ...

US9335362B2 - Battery tester for electric vehicle - Google Patents

Such a sensor is advantageous because it does not require the battery to be disconnected. ... vehicle with battery charge control relative to a driving route.

US7808211B2 - System and method for charging batteries - Google ...

A high frequency battery charger includes a converter, drive logic, and control logic. The converter transforms a DC voltage into a high frequency AC ...