About 1,972,425 results (1,828 milliseconds)

Serendipity - Google Drive

Let this be a warning; do not pass-out at a Reddit meetup. [X-Post From ... how many people are subbed to this subreddit. [X-Post From /r/TheStopGirl] ...

sarcasm_simplernn.ipynb - Colab

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; "a" · "about" · "above" · "after" · "again" ; "be" · "because" · "been" · "before" · "being" ; "does" · " ...

Curator's Cliffnotes

Walmart greeters, Bry gets knocked down and graffiti tagged. “Hello ... how much do you have to pay for a tweet? He's in touch) 2: stay on campus ...

Course 3 - Week 1 - Lesson 3.ipynb - Colab

... much': 228, 'long': 229, 'night': 230, 'congress': 231, 'job': 232, 'finally ... does': 307, 'former': 308, 'single': 309, 'entire': 310, 'friends ...

word2vec_gensim_CBOW_VW.ipynb - Colab

from gensim.models import word2vec ; print ("Training model...") ; model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences_clean, workers=num_workers, \ ; size=num_features, min_count ...

machine_learning_model.ipynb - Colab

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import collections import nltk import io

The Life and Times of a Total Loser: Inside the Mind of a Drug ...

This book is a collection of essays that I wrote over the course of 2018. To be honest, how this all happened is still a bit of a blur.

Copy of Sarcasm_Detection.ipynb - Colab

article_link, headline, is_sarcastic. 0, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/versace-b... former versace store clerk sues over secret 'b... 0.

Full Example: Predibase - Colab

Learn how to fine-tune and serve a large language model (LLM) for your application. Predibase offers you the ability to seamlessly put open-source LLMs in ...

AU2020414715A1 - Graphical user interface system - Google Patents

[00101] User interfaces for electronic devices, implemented for human-computer interactions or communications, often include a series of menus or like ...

심화3_GPT2 구현하기 - Colab

트랜스포머에 사용했던 데이터인 포르투갈어->영어 데이터를 활용하여 GPT2를 직접 학습시킵니다. 이번 튜토리얼에서는 GPT2를 일반적인 데이터로 훈련시키기에는 너무 ...