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"Duralast" Brand Car Battery ISSUE

I recently bought a new "Duralast Gold" car battery at AutoZone. The battery model is 34-DLG. On the cover over the cell ports (where you check the level of ...

How to successfully return a car battery to WalMart

If it is I just might be planning a little electrolyte dump & water fill myself just to get two fresh new batteries! If you think thats not moral, Go right ...

Roll starting EFI car

the two batteries are isolated when the engine is off. Unless your engine uses a magneto for ignition you do need some battery voltage to get a spark and make ...

NAPA vs. Autozone vs. O'Reilly... price and quality?

and gave me a new one. Even brake pads were lifetime. I've never bought car parts from ebay, but I've never had any problems with any of the electronics I ...

Acceptable battery drain with engine off?

time to get a new battery. hls's profile photo. hls. unread,. Oct 4, 2009 ... van wouldn't start, old battery.I bought a new battery at the Autozone auto ...

Dead 12v battery on 2011 think

Got a note from Hawthorne Auto clinic. I fried the PCU leaving it on all night. Replacement is coming! SOOOOON! It may cost me $1700 to get it fixed - MY Bad!

2008 Toyota Camry SE: draining power steering fluid and re-fill with ...

the baster method, especially for a fairly new car. Just make sure the new ... prefer the "battery bulb" (AutoZone) over the turkey baster. Greater

mikefocke2 - batteries

Autozone gave me the felt adapters for under the terminal posts along ... I had a battery crack in my wife's new car and, with the damage the acid did ...

Advance Auto Parts - Apps on Google Play

Shopping for auto parts has never been easier with the Advance Auto Parts mobile app. Quickly find the right part for your vehicle, check part availability ...

Morgan County Recycling

O'Reilly Auto Parts Free Oil, Fluid & Battery Recycling | O'Reilly Auto Parts (oreillyauto.com). · ... AutoZone Recycling Your Battery At Autozone How To Recycle ...

Tax on core charge...

... price of the new starter plus the value of the anticipated trade-in. When ... Autozone has a $30 core, Advanced Auto is $40. Part is the same price ...

Interstate brand car batteries?

will need to buy a new battery & thus the company makes more profit. But if ... lead-calcium plates 20 years ago to make their batteries lose much less ...

Car battery matching with alternator

should also closely match the OEM battery's capacity. Is my assumption correct, or it makes not much difference to use somewhat larger capacity replacement ...


We work on ALL year, makes and models; new or old! No job too big or small we do them ALL. Our ASE certified mechanics have over 15 years of experience and ...

Toyota Hybrid 12V Battery, Ouch!

next month. The tow truck gets there and he can't get the vehicle started by jumping it so it gets towed to the dealer near us.

camry 1995 4-cyl did not start this morning

Car is driven every day with overall no problems til today. Took the battery home this afternoon to recharge after too many attempts this morning. Put warmed up ...

Check Engine light after starter replacement

Aug 4, 2016 ... > is located on my vehicle and what is involved in replacing it myself or > ... I still change disc brakes, but not much else these days....since ...

Car shakes in low RPM, check engine light on, diagnostic says misfire

Oct 23, 2007 ... battery to clear MIL error. Started engine. It still shakes but ... Spark plug wires on most cars are much better than they used to be ...