About 1,693,494 results (3,865 milliseconds)

How do you increase the spacing between bullet points/ number ...

Sep 24, 2022 ... 1. At the end of the entry, press Shift + Return/Enter to create a blank line space. Then to start the next entry, press Return/ ...

How to change the space between the lines of bullet points ...

Apr 29, 2019 ... If it doesn't, select all the text (Ctrl+A / Cmd + A) and go to Format/Line Spacing and then select "Add space after paragraph". Hope this helps ...

Decrease space between a bulleted list and the text (Google Docs ...

Apr 5, 2023 ... I want to reiterate that this is not a line spacing issue. Details. Docs,Microsoft Windows,Business. Locked. This question is locked and ...

Spacing between bullets defaults back to zero - Google Docs Editors ...

Aug 13, 2019 ... To achieve this, I go into the Master slide and set a custom spacing value for that bullet point (Line spacing --> Custom spacing --> After).

Space between bullet point and the text in front of it. Not going away ...

Oct 23, 2021 ... It happens for "ww)" and "mm)", no matter where they are in line. My question now is why and what one can do about it? Edit - Reducing the font ...

Remove double spacing between paragraphs - Google Docs Editors ...

Aug 31, 2021 ... To fix this, I pressed Ctrl + A to select your entire document. Then I selected "add space after paragraph" to make all of them the same.

How to preserve bullet point formatting when copying & pasting from ...

May 7, 2020 ... When I copy and paste a bullet point list from MS Word to ... Extra space is often added between the bullet point and the start of ...

How do you add paragraph spacing on Google Docs (iPad ...

Feb 23, 2023 ... ... add line spacing, which is different to paragraph spacing. I'll ... points) but that just adds space between each individual line of ...

Changing space between bullet & text

Select the paragraph and go into Format>Style>Modify>Format>Numbering... (A bullet is simply a special case of "number" to Word). Now, change the Type to " ...

Adjusting the alignment of bullet points before or after first line indent ...

Jul 27, 2024 ... ... line indent, but in the second picture they align in front of it. I know I could adjust the spacing to still make things work as I want, but ...

Weird Spacing happening when using bullets - Google Docs Editors ...

Aug 28, 2023 ... I am getting random extra space when I use bullet points in google docs. ... Also, if you see Remove space before paragraph or Remove space after ...

Remove white space within outline after image inserted - Google ...

Nov 26, 2019 ... The only fix I have right now was to format that bullet that has the image to be single line space instead of 1.15. Not sure what changed as I ...

Change how paragraphs & fonts look - Computer - Google Docs ...

You can use the buttons in the toolbar at the top of a document to: Edit and format the text and paragraph spacing; Change the font and background color ...

Large space that I cannot delete in my document! - Google Docs ...

May 20, 2019 ... When a soft return is used, the paragraphs aren't really disconnected, so the formatting you apply to one will affect them all. To fix that, you ...

How do I get rid of double spacing in the text - Gmail Community

Jul 22, 2020 ... How do I get rid of line spacing in the list of what is coming in, not in notes. I think I clicked something but don't know what it is ...

Lines keep appearing around bullet points in my google doc - how ...

Mar 28, 2019 ... Go to Format > Paragraph styles > Borders and shading. Change the border width to zero and press the blue Apply button to save your changes.

How do I remove the space under a bullet poing - Google Docs ...

Aug 17, 2021 ... ... space under the bullet point. Details. Docs,Chrome OS,Personal ... Then put your cursor behind the first word of the paragraph you want ...

Remove AUTOMATIC White Line/Paragraph after choosing ...

Oct 3, 2022 ... Whenever I start a numbered list Google Docs with either include the first line in the list, or it will create an ugly distance between that ...

Space after a bullet changes and I can't figure out why. - Google ...

Feb 4, 2024 ... try a different font; slightly decrease the point size of the font you're using for your lists; adjust the spacing after the closed parentheses ...

Looks double-spaced but Word says it's single-spaced

The difference in spacing between these couple of lines and the rest of ... change the Line Spacing to "Exactly." You may have to experiment a bit to