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Delete or recover Gmail messages - Computer - Gmail Help

When you delete a message, it stays in your trash for 30 days. After 30 days, the message is permanently deleted from your account and can't be recovered.

I deleted 29,000 emails and my storage usage didn't go down. Why ...

Apr 8, 2019 ... ... your computer synced to the Cloud, does not completely delete them for a while. Essentially in the Cloud is a Drive Trash Bin that works ...

How can I delete emails from my gmail app on my phone without ...

Aug 26, 2019 ... When I delete an email from my phone, I do not want it deleted from my computers and vice versa. Going crazy. Please help!! Details. Managing ...

Deleting from Gmail but saving in Outlook - Gmail Community

Dec 16, 2020 ... I have a Gmail account and I assume all my email are synced with my ipad and my iphone. HOWEVER..on my PC I use Outlook for my day to day emails ...

how do I remove an account from my computer without being able to ...

Aug 9, 2019 ... Sign out of all accounts. Then when you go to gmail it will ask you to sign in and choose from your accounts. At the bottom is the option to add an account or ...

how can i delete emails from my pc and iPhone at the same time ...

Apr 14, 2019 ... You don't have to do it, when you do it from your pc or iphone, the message will be deleted in few seconds, you have only to refresh the other ...

How can I remove an old Gmail account from my Gmail login screen ...

Apr 19, 2019 ... On your computer, sign out on a browser, like Chrome. Below the list of accounts, select Remove an account. Next to an account, select Remove .

Why am I unable to delete gmail emails across multiple devices ...

May 13, 2022 ... Webmail, email client program on your computer, or mobile mail apps on your phone? Are you deleting messages via the phone using swipe actions?

When i delete an email on my phone it wont load on my PC. Is there ...

Jan 3, 2021 ... When i delete an email on my phone it wont load on my PC. Is there an IMAP setting to allow this? · Set up an email client on your phone that ...

Delete your Gmail service - Computer - Google Account Help

If you don't want your Gmail address and emails anymore, you can remove them from your Google Account. Deleting them won't delete your entire Google Account.

Can I save old emails that I need to delete from my email to free up ...

Apr 16, 2019 ... ... email client program such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird on your computer. That way you can delete them from the server and ...

How to unlink google photos from my email completely? - Google ...

May 6, 2022 ... I cant delete any photos off google photos without them deleting off my phone aswell. I've found multiple answers on google telling me to click ...

How do I download my emails, including content, to my PC - Gmail ...

Feb 9, 2021 ... If I then delete the emails from my Google Storage, will I be able to access the downloaded emails on my PC? If so, how do I do that? Details.

How do I delete more than 50 emails at a time? - Gmail Community

May 15, 2019 ... On your computer, go to Gmail. Check the boxes to the left of the messages. At the top, click Delete. Delete all messages in a category.

What happens if i delete a file from My Drive that i previously ...

Mar 12, 2021 ... On a computer, go to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, or Slides. · Click the file you want to share. · Click Share or Share . · Owners Email appears ...

When I delete messages on my phone, they aren't deleted when I ...

Jan 20, 2023 ... I open my email on my phone via my phones email app and delete the spam/marketing emails. But when I open Gmail on my computer, they all are still there.

I am running out of email space. Is there a way to move files to ...

Oct 11, 2021 ... Howg to remove email files to external storage ... You can do a traditional POP3 configuration set to download to the computer and delete ...

Send or unsend Gmail messages - Computer - Gmail Help

Send a message. An animation showing how to send and unsend a message in Gmail. On your computer, go to Gmail. At the top ...

Someone else used my computer. Now their google account is the ...

Oct 23, 2022 ... I want to remove any remnants of that person's ID from my computer. In particular, I don't want it to default to using that email address any ...

Delete your activity - Computer - Google Account Help

Delete individual activity items. For example, this could include a search you did on Google or a website you visited on Chrome: On your computer, go to ...