About 1,444,800 results (5,086 milliseconds)

Migrating Oracle users to Cloud SQL for MySQL: Queries, stored ...

... eliminate duplicate records. UNION ALL : Attaches the result sets of two or more SELECT statements without eliminating duplicate records. ... using INSERT , ...

Migrating Oracle® users to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL: Queries ...

... without eliminating duplicate records. INTERSECT : Returns the intersection ... row version within its table, which is similar to Oracle's ROWID . ROWNUM ...

Google Visualization API Reference | Charts | Google for Developers

The left table has duplicate key values, but that is * allowed. *Inner join ... Column data types can also be specified using the object literal notation in ...

IBM Netezza SQL translation guide | BigQuery | Google Cloud

The DELETE and TRUNCATE statements are both ways to remove rows from a table without affecting the table schema or indexes. The TRUNCATE statement has the same ...

ROWID in Sybase ?

Any attempt to use any UPDATE or DELETE on a table without a primary key runs the risk of deleting more rows than you want to delete or updating multiple ...

Error messages | BigQuery | Google Cloud

You can safely retry the job without concerns about data consistency. jobs.insert ... If your query materializes many rows using a LIMIT clause, consider ...

[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] 3.16.0 release with a new public query object ...

Jan 5, 2022 ... #12194 - MySQL DELETE .. USING with JOIN produces duplicate table declarations in USING clause #12197 - The DataKey.DATA_PREPEND_SQL and ...

Identity vs GUIDs vs COMB GUIDs vs NewSequentialID?

are using a SQL Server's Identity field or Oracle's RowId or some magic function ... significant to the function of preventing duplicate records, true... but. I ...

Streaming insert | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Inserts simple rows into a table using the streaming API (insertAll). Explore further. For detailed documentation that includes this code sample, ...

Migrate from Oracle® OLTP system to Spanner | Google Cloud

Bulk export your data from Oracle and import your data into Spanner using Dataflow. ... without needing to check that later data is available on another replica.

Numbering functions | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Numbering functions assign integer values to each row based on their position within the specified window. The OVER clause syntax varies across numbering ...

Optimize query computation | BigQuery | Google Cloud

For example, if you are using SQL to trim strings or extract data by using ... You can automatically delete a large destination table by using the dataset's ...

GoogleSQL data definition language | Cloud Spanner | Google Cloud

You can also reset a non-key column to its default value by using UPDATE ... SET column-name = DEFAULT . A generated column or a check constraint can depend on ...

What do Oracle professionals think of Fabian Pascal?

Without using ROWNUM please provide the equivalent to the following: SELECT ... > In Oracle it means delete the first 36 rows found: Whichever ones they are.

Use the legacy streaming API | BigQuery | Google Cloud

For querying live data with duplicates removed, you can also create a view over your table using the duplicate removal query. Be aware that query costs ...

Top 35 SQL Interview Question asked in Oracle Apps Technical ...

May 27, 2016 ... To delete duplicate Records from Table. delete from emp a where rowid != (select max(rowid) from emp b where a.empno=b.empno);. 13. Use of ...

Cloud Data Fusion release notes

In the Oracle batch source, the Oracle NUMBER data type defined without ... data stores in Oracle into BigQuery using the Oracle (by Datastream) plugin.

FAQ | Datastream | Google Cloud

... using the changes streamed from the Oracle table. ... You can eliminate duplicate data by using additional metadata that Datastream writes to each event.

Oracle SQL translation guide | BigQuery | Google Cloud

... remove rows from a table without affecting the table schema. TRUNCATE is not used in BigQuery. However, you can use DELETE statements to achieve the same effect ...

How To Find Duplicate Entries Using SQL

Mar 6, 2002 ... ... rowid 256 you then need to delete rowid's 312 257 and 417 etc. Be sure to make a backup before you begin deleteing... Hope this helps. Leon.