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stored procedures and ROR

Jun 21, 2010 ... Delete. You do not have ... while row = MySQL::fetch_array(stmt) records ... using stored procedures in Ruby on Rails and you will get a lot of

Go MySql - out parameter

Does anyone know how to execute mysql stored procedure with output parameters? ... row\rows in my case ... Stored procedures might return multiple results ...

execute() with stored procedures that don't return a ResultSet

This is the function I'm using to test it. ... (MySQL, Derby, MSSQL, Sybase). CALL should only ... I guess those are essentially non-functioning in H2 since there is ...

Use MySQL database auditing | Cloud SQL for MySQL | Google Cloud

When I create, update, or delete an audit rule using stored procedures, I see the following error. The MySQL server is running with the read-only option so it ...

Delete all rows in BigQuery and other DML statements to add ...

Nov 13, 2020 ... In the example below, values to be inserted are computed using a subquery that performs JOIN operation with multiple tables. Loading...


LIMIT, the record count is 20. I used SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS after my select statement and then both: SET @rows = FOUND_ROWS();. and. SELECT FOUND_ROWS();. after ...

A general way to batch SQL queries in Django

Feb 27, 2015 ... Stored procedures, at least with MSSQL, provide another way of returning multiple result sets with a single SQL statement. The queries will be ...

JDBC: getMoreResults() versus rs.next() & autoGeneratedKeys

> IIRC multiple ResultSet[s] can be returned from a stored procedure, in > this case you would need to iterate over the ResultSet[s] using the > method ...

use stored proc that return multiple columns in a query

Oct 6, 2008 ... Using isql/dbacces running the following: execute procedure get_product_info(1) ;. 684: Function (informix.get_product_info) returns too many ...

Is there a SQL Server CDC connector for Kafka Connect?

Jun 3, 2016 ... We are trying to replicate a MSSQL database into Kafka with Connect. I've seen MySQL BinLog and Postgres connectors, but haven't found one ...

Threads blocking on database connection pool

getNext() is returning a row from an in memory query, do Work() is calling a couple of stored procedures on a remote mysql database, typically taking around ...

Re: Best approach for temp table creation, population, invocation of ...

Jan 7, 2013 ... ... stored procedure, all within same session ... If you're using a connection pool and have multiple ... delete the rows with that UUID. All that ...

Optimize query computation | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Database replication using change data capture ... stored procedures to perform the computations ... You can automatically delete a large destination table by using ...

Can SQLAlchemy execute multiple select statements in a single ...

May 23, 2013 ... DBAPI does have specified support for multiple result sets, as when a stored procedure returns multiple result sets; SQLAlchemy has a long ...

How to do...well...anything...in DB2 SQL

Returning rows from a stored procedure. SQL Server ... or should i be using VALUES along the lines of: ... Extending this syntax to generate multiple rows like so:.

stored proc, sqlcode = 100

Feb 11, 2004 ... I have a stored procedure that updates a table in the database. How come SQLCA.SQLCode returns 100? The row in

Please share your thoughts on how to replace JPA/Hibernate by ...

Jul 27, 2013 ... ... stored procedures but sometimes it's the best way to handle bulk operations. It's a bit like comparing DOM and SAX, you use one when you can ...

Turbogears now based on Pylons!

provided you don't have huge databases or stored procedures. The "huge database" part is outside your control, but the stored procedure part is. Tying ...

Work with SQL stored procedures | BigQuery | Google Cloud

You name and store a procedure in a BigQuery dataset. A stored procedure can access or modify data across multiple datasets by multiple users. It can also ...

MyBatis + Spring + Batch Inserts

Has anyone had any success getting MyBatis to do batch inserts with. Spring? If so, could you share some sample code? I'm currently using the work ...