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Debezium UnwrapFromEnvelope transformation "delete.handling ...

Aug 29, 2018 ... ... old row data). i have tried "delete.handling.mode" property with ... "database.hostname": "mysql",. "database.port": "3306",. "database.user ...

How to wipe out bad rain data

Dec 9, 2016 ... I've tried to delete the very large 'rain' values form the database and also running the 'wee_database' tool to delete an recreate the daily ...

Migrating old reivewboard's data to new reviewboard server

Christian Hammond · 1) Do a mysqldump on the old server. · 2) Drop the database on the new one and recreate it by hand (must be empty!) · 3) Use mysql to import ...

changed station type, want to drop some grpahs

Dec 3, 2021 ... ... old mysql database so i could keep my site records going back to 2016... Anyways, um, its still showing the old graphs right to the cutoff point ...

Data migration from php mysql database to rails pg database

Hi ,i am a newbie in rails and i have recently got a task on my job to migrate the old data from a php website to new rails website. ... Delete. You do not have ...

update weewx-database

def clear_v2_data(config_dict, db_binding_wx): """ Clear any legacy humidex and apparent temperature data from the Weewx (not Weewx-WD) database.

Installing mesowx on weewx using local SQLite database

For putting raw c.q. loop data in a local MySQL database you need MesoWx's raw.py module. ... data removing old data based on. # the time of the most recent ...

JBPM DB clean up

"ant clean.db" is separate process, i would like to know if there are any JBPM API's that we can invoke and ask to clear records older that 2 days ...

How large is your database with how many entries? (mysql / sqlite)

In any case, my sqlite database is now 10 years old, with a 5 minute archive record. It has about a million records and is about 70 MB big. My antique fit-PC ...

Clean up the Airflow database | Cloud Composer | Google Cloud

- keep_last_filters: List of filters to preserve data from deleting during ... # is set to 30, the job will remove those files that arE 30 days old or older.

how to cleanup old data and logs

is there a list of commands to delete everything (cleanup database, delete ... The MySQL DB can't ever shrink, but it will stop growing). Regards. Tim... To ...

Removing off-market listings from MySQL DB

Try creative a table to host the ID's, eg, idx_active_property. Then create a script to compare the two tables and delete the old records.

Delete instances | Cloud SQL for MySQL | Google Cloud

This page describes how to delete Cloud SQL instances. Warning: All data on an instance, including backups, is permanently lost when that instance is deleted.

Urchin 6 Installation Guide (Windows) - Urchin Help

... delete the old CPC data. In this latter case, delete all contents of the ... mysql> create database urchin character set utf8; mysql> GRANT ALL ON urchin ...

Best Practices for Purging/Archiving Old Logs/Data?

What's needed is an API and GUI action to delete the execution from the database and the associated output log. It's on our roadmap but haven't got an ETA ...

Is it possible to disable the initial data snapshot?

Oct 11, 2016 ... Debezium's `snapshot.mode=never` means that it will connect to the database and start reading the MySQL binlog from the earliest point in time ...

The Ever Growing Event Store

event store just keeps on growing, how do you manage that data?" Assume for historical reasons the event store is likely 1 table in one database. What ...

Is it safe to delete old .sst files, if data in those files is not needed ...

May 14, 2018 ... to MyRocks - RocksDB storage engine for MySQL. Hello. I'm running ... removing of old (and unneeded) data. So, the point is - if I know for ...

Spam Inserts - subjects taxonomy

... old-data. mysql -u username -p -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS atom;" mysql -u username -p -e "CREATE DATABASE atom CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci ...

[ossec-list] How to purge/remove/delete data older than a specific ...

Feb 21, 2011 ... [ossec-list] How to purge/remove/delete data older than a specific date from within the database ... mysql-database/.. James Siegel's profile ...