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Manually overriding a Table of Contents

Do some research in Word Help on the subject & review the helpful info ... John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]'s profile photo. John McGhie [MVP Word, Word ...

Table of Contents won't insert - please help!

matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay! John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer, McGhie Information ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Computer ...

Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto- ...

Can't modify table style - font in table of contents window

recopy my document into a new document just to be able to do what you ... to the Table of Contents gallery. -- Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP. "mimijel ...

Table of Contents breaking download PDF export of the doc ...

May 19, 2023 ... Perhaps something to do with a heading? ... This document originally came from a Microsoft Word document and was converted to docs.

how do I remove body text from my table of contents - Google Docs ...

May 14, 2023 ... I am only highlighting headings, but when I upload the table of contents to my doc it keeps including body text. help! Details. Docs,Microsoft ...

Table of Contents is not picking up certain Headers for Hyperlinking ...

May 27, 2023 ... When I create a TOC or Table of Contents within my google document, all of my Header 1 and some of my Header 2's are not automatically hyperlinked to the TOC.

Table of contents does not include all heading levels

Version: 2008. Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). I used heading styles to create 5 levels of headings (I modified Heading 1->Heading 5 to match APA ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Computer ...

Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto- ...

Font style on Table of Contents doesn't match text in the body ...

Jul 20, 2019 ... ... document and then refresh the TOC. How to Adjust Default Font or Line Spacing in Google Docs 1. Create a new document or go into a current ...

Table of Contents page numbers wrong - Google Docs Editors ...

Dec 7, 2022 ... Do I really have to update every single page number in the TOC by hand to make them accurate or can I dictate which heading levels are ...

How can I tab in a table cell? - Google Docs Editors Community

Aug 20, 2019 ... I need to be able to do this as we have been trying to migrate away from Word. Whereas Sheets steadily improves, Docs seems to be content to ...

I am trying to add a second table of content - Google Docs Editors ...

May 4, 2023 ... Hey, I am writing my bachelor's thesis and am trying to add a table with just the figures and tables. How do I do that? Details. Docs,Mac OS ...

Convert table to text - Google Docs Editors Community

Jun 10, 2019 ... I copied it to Microsoft word and performed the edits and formatting then copied it back to Google DOCs.

Help with Heading/Title/Subtitle styles - Google Docs Editors ...

May 15, 2023 ... Microsoft Word offers things like Emphasis and Quote. 2] I want to create a preset format style that does not show up in the table of contents ...

Word 2004 Page Numbering Problem

table of contents where I do not want page numbers. Help! I've tried section break (continuous) on the title page and after the table of contents, but this ...

How to clear all the contents in a table without deleting the table ...

Mar 11, 2022 ... The team is unable to respond to individual users, but they do ... Also, this handy feature exists in Microsoft Word. However, if ...