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VHS Counseling - Letters of Recommendation

Students who seek a letter of recommendation should ask their teacher or counselor a minimum of two weeks in advance. For more information on how to request a ...

Letters of Recommendation

How to request Teacher LOR · Ask your teacher, politely, in person or via email if they are willing to write a LOR. Remember, teachers are human and are busy!

Portola College Application Resource Guide - Letter of Rec Process

Start date to request a teacher recommendation: First day of school (August 24). Request a letter of recommendation from your teacher (either in-person or email) ...

JHHS College Application Guide - Recommendations

INVITE your teacher to submit the letter of recommendation through the college's application by entering your teacher's email address. See detailed Inviting ...

College and Career - Recommendation Letters

Ask the teacher either in person or via your school email, AT LEAST THREE WEEKS before your rec letter deadline, if they are willing to write a letter of ...

CHS Counseling - Letters of Recommendation

Emailing to see if the teacher needs additional information is okay, but no need to "check on their progress" -- they will get it in on time :) Adding ...

The College Application Process - ✉️ Letter of Recommendation ...

Ask your teacher to write a letter of recommendation. Be sure to include in the email what platform (Common App, Coalition App.) they will be asked to use ...

Amador Valley High School Counseling Department - Letters of ...

If you need a letter recommendation from your counselor, you must make the request at least two weeks prior to your earliest deadline. HOW TO ASK YOUR TEACHER ...

CHS Counseling - Letters of Rec

Many also require a letter of recommendation from your school counselor. Most Common Application institutions will require teacher letters of recommendation as ...

CVHS College & Career Center - Letters of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation Steps. Make your request in person (during Distance Learning, ask via Email). Talk to your teacher(s) / ...

TC Roberson Student Services - College Applications

Request letters of recommendation from teachers. (download, fill in, save and then email to your teacher). Please be sure to enter your request at least 20 ...

Kalani Counselor's Corner - Transcripts and LORs, etc

Do NOT put in teacher/counselor email addresses for letters of recommendations. These LOR requests need to be completed in SCOIR. Click here for step-by-step ...

Tips for Asking Teachers for ... - Counseling Services

Below are some helpful hints on how to ask your teachers for a letter of recommendation: Ask nicely. Approach your teacher in person and explain what you ...

FHS Counseling - Maia Learning

Linking Your Common App to Maialearning · Requesting Transcripts · Requesting Teacher Letters of Recommendation.

Letter of Recommendation Tips - College & Career Centers of APS

How to ask for a letter of recommendation? Ask the teacher willing to write a strong letter of recommendation on your behalf and give them at ...

BPHS College Planning - MAIA Learning

... letters of recommendation, you should only request two teacher letters of rec. ... email whether they would be willing to write a letter for you. Do so at ...

MHS CNCC - Teacher Resources

Watch this slide presentation on Letters of Recommendations by Matt Deschner, University of Portland Admissions Representative.

Naviance-Transcripts-Letters of Rec

NAVIANCE INSTRUCTIONS. Seniors will need to follow these steps: Log onto your Naviance account with email address and password. Under your Colleges I'm ...

Letter of Recommendation

... teacher and/or counselor, or in some cases a community member as part of the ... by entering their full name and email address. STEP 3: On your online ...

PGHS Student Services - Letters of Rec

Complete the personal data sheet below. Print a hard copy or email it to your counselor, teacher, and/or administrator so they have additional information to ...