Dec 14, 2020 ... ... go into her class to see him desperately ram himself into the corners. Once, while cleaning out his aquarium because she used algae tabs in ...
Aug 23, 2021 ... How do I get rid of it? Would black tape on the glass over the substrate block the light and make the cyanobacteria die off? Or do I need to ...
Mar 11, 2019 ... ... get some detritus or scraped algae out. I was running a skimmer but ... have fish while the ich fallows out, so it's not worth it. I ...
I have had problems with long stringy black algae, small fuzzy green algae, gooey nasty green alage, small spots on glass algae :-) The best way I have found to ...
Im thinking purple? So the issue is that algae have evolved in normal water - which lets light through: ... tank will do wonders and likely last for years in a ...
Feb 1, 2021 ... My friend has goldfish that love eating plants. Would dried hair algae be a good treat for them? I rinsed it in hot water until it ran clean and ...
clean up the algae, but have tank inhabitants who are stressed out by algae ... to control algae in your tank get a Pl*costomus type of suckermouth fish.
> well, I have a 37G All-Glass aquarium tank. (essentially a 29G but > ... make it, out of the thinnest glass they can get away with. It's surprising how ...
huge. For what its worth, if you buy something like a 48x18x24" glass fish tank it ... think I would cry watching all of my expesive fish shooting out getting cut
Oct 30, 2018 ... I just planted a tank last week and I've spent more time staring at the ghost shrimp I put in there to clean it up/start the nitrogen cycle than ...
brown algae and some green hard stuff that gets on the glass). the ... the sword's old 20 gallon tank as a new grow out tank -- which will still be ...
Jul 6, 2020 ... Got this tank cycling (think it was tuesday evening) and the ... tank but after googling it im a little concerned its blue green algae?
Aug 11, 2005 ... Abrasion against lava rocks in tank (could he have become entrapped and struggled thereby causing this injury? ... algae off of a rough rock.
some algae wafers to supplement. I broke off a small piece and dropped it into the tank next to the oto, but he ignored it and scooted merrily along the glass.
Apr 13, 2023 ... MIT News reports researchers may have figured out how to keep algae from growing on glass surfaces: Coat the glass with "a material that can ...
Jun 1, 1998 ... couple young coconut shells in my grow out cichlid tank last night. ... can use coconut shell in fish tank. I have no idea that I suppose ...
Nov 4, 2021 ... I'm trying to get at least one new fish for my uncle's saltwater tank for Christmas. ... r/ReefTank - I kinda love this algae mess of a glass box.
that they are totally thawed out (no chunks) in a glass of tank water prior ... some algae on the rocks and the fish scrape it off exactly as they do in