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Getting rid of cat urine smell....

I'm assuming the cat pee/spray has somehow soaked in. Can anyone suggest a method to try and de-odorise the walls? Is there anything better than sugar-soap to ...

Urine in the floor

The cat has made a real mess of a corner of the bedroom. You need to determine the extent of the problem, and then you need to get rid of the urine smell.

I have a opportunity to buy a cat pee house, Should I?

There are 2 kinds of cat odor. Urine, and Scent spray. Scent spray is actually the easier of the two to remove because it will oxidize with ozone or hydrogen ...

Cat Urine

It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior. Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box ...

Cats and Electrostatic Speakers

In pet shops you can buy a spray with a smell cats just hate (I think we humans can't smell it at all). My sister uses this to keep her cat off their

My new guitar case smells!!!!

came in case that the previous owners cat had used for a temporary bathroom! Yecch!!! And there was NO way to get rid of that smell, either! Except what I ...

Carpet smells after steam-clean

traveled overseas, to return to have her carpets cleaned, while daughter left for school. When the house smelled like cat urine, it was *my* fault--Mom gets ...

How do I get rid of a Stray Tom Cat?

What a relief to finally have gotten rid of the horrible cat pee smell, and without any expensive sprays at that. ... Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box ...

Cat's Urine in Hiking Boots

have you tried ammonia????? just a thought.... and, yes, cat pee smell is TOUGH to get rid of!!! mary, proud mom of two non spraying kitty cats :-D. Leaf ...

Febreze and cat urine smell

My cat wet my bed and I was wondering does Febreze work to get the smell out? I also read on a website that listerine and vinegar is supposed to work does ...

cat urine under deck

six months later any remnant of cat odor was completely gone. Of course, now the mice have figured out it's a dog house, not a cat house. Can't win. --svs.

Janie K-C's Blog - Day 1: Aboard the train: The Lakeshore Limited

To try to get rid of the smell, I put it out outside to air out. While that was a slightly good idea, a cat or other animal may have found it and left its ...

How to remove the smell from a closet in which used cat litter was ...

Sep 9, 2007 ... an odor. There should be no problem from urine since the cat was never in the room but the litter was in there long enough! Thanks again ...

Cleaning Camera Body to Remove Smell

smoked while composing, or his whole house must have been full of smoke ... > 75 was a Canon F1 that the owners tom cat had sprayed. Talk about a

the smell of an iguana

could not get rid of the stench. It smelled like urine. It stunk up the ... Cat likes to "spray" near the cage. This caused a similar problem until ...

cat pee in banana plant

It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior. Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box ...

Landlord has straight up refused to deal with mould. What's the best ...

Feb 3, 2021 ... ... get mould remover spray and spray it everywhere! If the vent in your ... Let this sit until dry and the room has aired out. Then clean ...

OT -Help - I've ruined my taste buds!!

a lethal gas, but you got out of the room, and you survived. Just give ... vinegar smell will repell the cat.), but it does work well if you have the ...

How to freshen a violin case?

Apr 24, 2009 ... I was wondering if Febreeze (the fabric spray, not the room ... > upper pocket. I have a student viola case that I'm trying to air out to get rid ...

TIFU by gifting a detective kit to my friend's kids : r/tifu

Oct 31, 2021 ... Then, one of the kids comes screaming that their house is a murder house, and want us to check the parents' bedroom. We go there laughing and ...